Welcome Back, Barry Allen

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'Poker face' by Lady Gaga played through the cortex as Caitlin and Cisco were keeping an eye on Barry.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin questioned Cisco.

"He likes the song." Cisco smiled in response.

"Who could you possibly know that?" Caitlin asked, her voice full of sass.

"I checked his Facebook page." Cisco took a bite of his licorice as he answered. "I mean, he can hear everything, right?"

"Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate." Caitlin agreed.

The two stepped back, going in different directions. Cisco sang along to the chorus as he strutted back to the main desk.

Barry gasped, his body jolting upward. His awakening grabbing Caitlin and Cisco's attention.

"Oh my god!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Where am I?" Barry questioned, looking around at his surroundings.

"He's up." Caitlin ran over the barry with a tiny flashlight.

"Dr. Wells, get down to the cortex, like, right now," Cisco spoke into an intercom microphone.

"Pulse 120, pupils equally reactive to light," Caitlin spoke aloud as she checked a confused Barry for any signs of degenerating senses or bodily functions. "Look at me, look at me."

"Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, relax." Cisco tried to calm Barry down. "Everything's okay, man. You're at S.T.A.R. Labs."

"S.T.A.R. Labs?" Barry questioned as Caitlin looked in his ears. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin-- Dr. Snow." Cisco introduced.

Caitlin held up a small, clear, plastic cup in front of Barry. "I need you to urinate in this."

"Not this second." Cisco snatched the cup from her hand.

"What is-- what is happening? What is going on?" Barry stepped away from the two strangers.

"You were struck by lightning dude," Cisco informed, a smile tugging at his lips.

"What?" Barry whispered, turning around to find his reflection in a computer monitor. "Lightning gave me abs?"

Caitlin stepped forward. "Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration.

Cisco grabbed Barry by his shoulders, pulling him backward to a stool. "Come here. Have a seat. You were in a coma."

"For how long?" Barry glanced between Caitlin and Cisco.

"Nine months." A male voice boomed. Barry's head turned to find Dr. Harrison Wells wheel into the cortex on his motor-powered wheelchair. "Welcome back, Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss."

After getting a quick tour and an enlightening conversation with Dr. Wells, he and Barry circled back into the cortex.

"Now. I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here, where we were able to stabilize you." Dr. Wells finished explaining how Barry got to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Iris?" Barry asked.

"Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often." Dr. Wells said.

"She talks a lot," Caitlin emphasized, handing Dr. Wells a drink.

"Also, she's hot." Cisco smiled. "Oh, and that other girl. What was her name? Danielle?"

Barry's breath hitched. "Dani?"

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