Angry Barry

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"No signs of macular damage. Your retina and cornea seem unaffected." Caitlin informed Barry.

Last night Barry had gone after Bivolo, the meta-human of the week, by himself.

"I told you, I'm fine," Barry said.

"You said Bivolo whammied you." Felicity stepped forward. "No desire to go MMA on any of us?"

"No." Barry shook his head. "Yeah, I mean, something weird happened with his eyes for a sec."

"Weird thing?" Caitlin questioned.

"Yeah, everything went red." Barry shrugged.

"You were right," Felicity told Caitlin, referring to her theory on Bivolo's powers.

Dani sighed. "Barry, you should've waited for me."

"Well, you were a bit too busy with your boyfriend." Barry spat. He sighed, switching topics. "Okay, next thing you know, Bivolo was gone. Look, obviously his powers didn't work on me so..."

"It was stupid for you to go out there alone. You take too many risks." Caitlin followed Barry into the cortex. "As fast as you are, that's going to catch up with you."

Barry curled his hands into fists, facing Caitlin. "Caitlin, I'm not Ronnie. You gotta stop treating me like I am."

"You're right," Caitlin said, her eyes shining with unshed tears and hurt. "You're not." She stormed out of the room.

Dani glared at Barry. "Dick move, Barr." She started walking after Caitlin, leaving Barry and Felicity together.

* * *

Felicity paced in front of the main desk in the cortex as she talked with Oliver on the phone. "Okay. I'll call you back later." She hung up. "That was the Arrow. He says Bary is acting strangely."

"Strangely how?" Dr. Wells asked.

"He's been whammied," Joe announced as he entered the cortex with Zander. 

"He was acting angry. It was scary." Zander said.

"And his eyes." Joe gestured to his own. "They glowed."

"It's possible that his body was fighting off the effect, so it's hitting him slower," Caitlin suggested.

"When it comes to rage, that is not a good thing. The longer you suppress your emotions--"

"The bigger the explosion." Dani finished Wells' sentence.

"Considering what he can do, how do we even stop him?" Joe questioned.

"A cold-gun would come in real handy right about now," Cisco said.

Cheyanne glared at Cisco. "Really?" She asked at the same time Joe scolded him with a 'Hey'.

"I'm just sayin'." Cisco defended.

"Dani can stop Barry." Dr. Wells said. "But not alone. Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can help. I think you better call back Oliver Queen." He turned to Felicity with a prideful smirk on his lips. "We're gonna need the Arrow's help."

Everyone stared at Felicity with surprise and shock.

"How-- did you tell him?" Felicity turned to Dani.

"You knew?" Cheyanne gawked at the brunette.

"Not until yesterday!" Dani defended.

"Uh, guys, could you put this on hold until after we stop Barry?" Zander asked.

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