Coma Boy

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Dings erupted from Dani's phone as Iris blew it up with text messages. Dani was supposed to meet up with her at S.T.A.R Labs an hour ago but she had completely lost track of time.

After what had happened with the shaman the previous night, Dani's problem grew. Now, her eyes were slowly turning gray and she felt physically disconnected from the world.

Dani's phone dinged again and this time she grabbed it, replying to Iris' many texts.

Dani- Sorry, lost track of time. On my way.

Iris-  Hurry. My shift starts soon.

Dani ran out of her room, grabbing her purse and rushing out her apartment door.

* * *

It was a miracle Dani wasn't pulled over. She drove so fast that other cars honked at her. Iris stood at the front doors of S.T.A.R Labs, an annoyed expression on her face.

"I'm so sorry." Dani apologized again.

"It's fine. Come on." Iris led her inside through the Labs' hallways into a huge, white room filled with computers and monitors. 

"Hey everybody. This is my friend, Dani. Dani this is Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells."

Dani smiled and waved. "Hi."

Wells, Caitlin, and Cisco returned the gesture before going back to checking Barry's vitals. Cisco's eyes lingered on Dani a little longer but she pretended not to notice.

"So how long has he been in a coma?" Dani asked, watching Barry's chest slowly rise and fall as he breathed.

"A little over a week," Iris answered with a sad sigh.


Rapid beeping and Barry's seizing body cut Dani off. Her and Iris backed up, gripping each other for support and reassurance while Caitlin and Cisco worked to stabilize him.

"Oh my god," Dani mumbled, hand hovering over her mouth in shock.

* * *

Dani left S.T.A.R. Labs soon after Barry stopped seizing. She couldn't bear to stay any longer. She already had enough going on with her mom and whatever was happening to her and she couldn't take seeing a close friend almost die too.

When Dani left, she drove straight to a bar, despite it being four o'clock on a Thursday.

"Hey, stranger." A young blonde woman walked up to Dani from behind the bar.

"Hey, Cheyanne." Dani faked a smile.

"Isn't it a little early to be hitting the bottle?"

"Trust me, if the past week has been nearly as insane for you as it was for me then this would be the only logical thing to do."

Cheyanne sighed. "This is about your mom."

"It's not just her. For the past week and a half there's been something wrong with me, then today I go visit Barry and he almost dies right there in front of me." Dani downed a shot.

"What's wrong with you?" Cheyanne asked, refilling Dani's tiny shot glass.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Dani sighed.

Cheyanne crossed her arms. "Danika Naomi Rhodes--"

"Oh no."

"Yeah, 'oh no' is right. Look, we have been friends since freshman year of college. I have lied to your parents for you and helped look like you didn't have the biggest hangover of your life so you wouldn't get in trouble. So trust me when I tell you that you can't say anything that I won't believe."

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