The Particle Accelerator

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Millions of stars shone in the night sky above Central City. Most citizens were milling about or crowding around S.T.A.R. Labs to watch the particle accelerator turn on or to protest it.

In a field, just past the bright city lights, lay Danika and Marianne Rhodes. The mother and daughter watched the sky and caught up on each other's lives. The rest of the world didn't matter to them, not while they were together at least.

Danika and Marianne were in the middle of talking about a horrible date Dani had just been on when clouds rolled in and thunder boomed.

"Weren't we supposed to have clear skies tonight?" Dani shot up staring at the now darkened sky with confusion.

"We are," Marianne confirmed. She sat up just as the rain started to fall. "I guess we should pack up then." She sighed.

In the middle of packing up, a bright light grabbed the Rhodes' attention. A wave of energy rushed through Central City.

"Dani run. RUN!" Marianne warned. Danika rushed into the car, starting the engine. She was ready to drive off as soon as her mother climbed into the car but she never did.

* * *

Dani paced the hospital corridor, anxiously waiting for a doctor to update her about her mother's condition.

Footsteps sounded from behind her but Dani didn't notice. She was too deep in her trauma-filled thoughts to notice.

"Dani. How's mom?" Danika's older brother, Zander, questioned. His face etched with worry.

"I-I don't know." tears welled up in Dani's eyes. "They won't tell me anything."

"It's okay sweetie." Dani's dad, Michael, pulled her into a hug. "What happened?"

Dani sniffled. "We out in the field, stargazing and catching up like we always do on Tuesday nights. Then it started raining out of nowhere and I-I think th-the particle accelerator blew up or something and a massive wave of-of something was coming for us and Mom told me to run so I went and got in the car but she never did." Tears slid down her face.

"But why is she in the hospital?" Zander asked. He hated seeing his sister in pain and it hurt him to know that he couldn't do anything to help her or their mom.

"A piece of plane fell on her." Dani sobbed.

"Hey, it's okay. Your mom is the toughest woman I know. She'll pull through." Michael pulled both of his children in for a hug to comfort both them and himself.

Danika pulled away first. "I need some air. Let me know if they say anything."

"We will," Zander promised.

Dani made it outside, breathing in the cool air when nurses rushed past her with an unconscious man she recognized. "Barry?"

By the time she got to the room, the nurses had brought Barry to, they were already attempting to restart his heart.

A nurse in bright pink scrubs fought to push an emotional Iris outside. "I'm family. Barry!" She yelled.

"Iris." Dani walked up to her childhood best friend, "What happened? Is Barry okay?"

"He-he got struck by lightning," Iris answered keeping her gaze on Barry.

"Oh, my god." Dani breathed out.

"Wait," Iris turned to Dani, revealing her tear-stricken face. "Why are you here? Did something happen?"

Tears formed in Danika's eyes again. "A chunk of an airplane landed on my mom. She's in surgery right now."

"Oh, Dani." Iris cried, bringing Dani in for a tight hug.

"Hey, I got to head back," Danika pulled away, "but keep me updated on Barry, yeah?"

"Of course, and let me know how your mom is doing." Iris agreed.

"I will." Dani nodded, walking off to rejoin her family.

* * *

The Rhodes had been sitting in the waiting room for hours and the only news they had gotten was from Iris about Barry; His heart kept stopping.

Finally, around six the next evening, a doctor came to talk to Danika, Michael, and Zander.

"Marianne is okay. It took a while but we got all of the shrapnel out." She informed. A sigh of relief came from all three of the Rhodes. "But, there is some bad news."

"What? What bad news?" Michael stood up, dark circles painted under his eyes.

"It appears that your wife has stage three Metastatic breast cancer." The doctor informed. "Before the accident, we would estimate that she had a few years left. However, with her body so weak, she has approximately four months to live- seven of she's lucky."

"Oh my god," Zander whispered, running his hands over his face.

"She's allowed to have visitors. I suggest you get in there quick before visiting hours end." The doctor walked off.

"Come on." Michael gestured for Danika and Zander to follow him.

They signed in as visitors at one of the nurse's stations and found Marianne's hospital room: Room 512. Michael gently knocked on the open door. "Hey." he smiled at his wife.

Marianne sat pale and fragile-looking in her hospital bed. "Hey," she smiled, her voice weak.

"How are you feeling?" Dani asked, on the verge of tear for what felt like the hundredth time in twenty-four hours.

"Like I was in surgery for hours." Marianne attempted to joke but the room stayed somber. She licked her lips. "Look, guys, I know about the cancer, but--"

"But what, Mom? You're dying and there's no way to save you." Zander snapped.

"Zander... If there's no way to save me then I'm not supposed to be saved." Marianne spoke in a soft voice, hoping to make her son feel better. She was always the type of person who believed in destiny and the will of the universe.

"I need air," Zander grumbled, storming out.

"Zander..." Michael started to follow him but Marianne stopped him.

"No, let him go. He just needs some time."

"But you don't have time Mom." Dani protested.

"I know honey. I know." Marianne reached out and grabbed her daughter's hand, rubbing her thumb along the back soothingly. Michael shuffled over, standing next to his wife and daughter, soaking in one of the last moments he could be with the both of them.

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