That's New

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Dani drove as fast as she could to S.T.A.R. Labs. She wanted to get there fast but she still needed time to talk herself into using her powers.

By the time Dani got to S.T.A.R. Labs, Farooq had full control of the building. She went straight to the room with her suit. It was a weird feeling, wearing it again. But that feeling gave her the confidence boost she needed to help her friends.

Dani walked gently down the halls, careful not to make a sound. She was on the lookout for Farooq but what she did find, made her stomach drop.

A body laid collapsed just feet away from Dani. She gasped, running quickly over to the body. She kneeled down, turning over. Dani hated the sigh of relief that left her lips when she recognized it as Tony Woodward. 

Farooq killed Tony and who knows who else in the building he could have hurt. Dani's jaw tightened as she resumed her search.

"Hey, zappy," Dani called out. "Where are you? Didn't you come looking for a fight?"

Dani rounded a corner, finally coming face to face with the man who short-circuited all of Central City.

"Who are you?" Farooq questioned.

"I don't really have a name yet but right now I'll settle for the woman who's gonna kick your ass." Dani quipped. She through an energy ball at Farooq which he ducked.

"My turn." Farooq cracked his neck, blasting electricity at Dani. The brunette threw her arms up, protecting herself with a force shield.

When the attack stopped, Dani thrusted her hand out, wanting to blast Farooq with her energy but instead a medium-sized vortex with purple sparks appeared between them. Dani's eyes widened, her jaw dropping.

"That's new." She muttered, her arms falling back to her sides subconsciously. The vortex disappeared as she did so, giving Farooq the perfect opportunity to attack. He blasted Dani with electricity. She flew back, hitting the wall hard and crumpling to the ground, knocked out.

* * *

"Dani, Dani. Dani!"

Dani gasped awake, her eyes searching her surroundings frantically. She sighed in relief when she realized that it was just Cheyanne who had shaken her awake.

"What happened?" Dani groaned as she pushed herself up, feeling the bruises that would surely appear soon.

"Well, you tried to be a badass, apparently, and got your ass kicked." Cheyanne laughed.

Dani rolled her eyes. "Only because I was trying to save yours."

"And I thank you for the effort. But Barry actually saved the day." Cheyanne informed as she led Dani back to the cortex.

"He got his speed back?"

Cheyanne nodded. "And you got your confidence back."

Dani smiled. "That I did."

"We're glad to have you back," Caitlin told her as Dani and Cheyanne entered the cortex. "But I do want to run some tests to make sure everything is okay. Since we didn't get to finish earlier."

"Cait, I'd love to make sure my body and powers are all up to snuff but right now I just want to make sure my brother's okay," Dani said.

"Aw, do you care about me?" Zander spoke in a babyish voice as he wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders.

Dani immediately turned and hugged Zander tightly. "Maybe."

Zander hugged Dani back. "I knew you loved me."

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