Face to Face

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Dani entered CCPD, an accomplished smile on her face. She scanned the officer's faces, looking for a certain CSI.

Instead, she found Zander. "Hey." Dani greeted.

"Hey," Zander repeated absentmindedly as he typed up a report.

"Have you seen Barry?"

Zander sighed. "You know, you should really start checking his lab before you start asking where he is."

"I guess that means he's in his lab?" Dani raised a brow at her brother.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Zander finally turned to face his sister. He noticed the small gift bag in her hand. "You finally found something for Barry?"

"How'd you know I was looking for anything?"


Dani shook her head. "She opens her mouth too much."

"That she does." Zander nodded his head in agreement. "Well, good luck. I gotta get back to work."

"Thanks. Have fun with your report." Dani started walking backward.

"You wish you only had a report." Zander sassed.

"That I do, Z. That I do." Dani smirked at her use of a nickname her brother hated severely.

"Just get on with your gift exchange."

Dani turned around, laughing quietly as she jogged up the stairs and giddily walked into Barry's lab.

The speedster sat in his desk chair, staring up at the bulletin board in front of him.

"Barry," Dani called but she got no answer. "Barry?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Barry. Barry!"

His head finally turned toward her. Dani chuckled. "I called your name, like..." She trailed off, just now realizing what Barry had been staring at. "Your mom's case."

"I used to study this board every day," Barry said, looking back up at it. "Lately, I haven't looked at it as much as I should have."

"I didn't know you did that." Dani skimmed the article clippings on the board.

"I guess there's still some stuff about me you don't know," Barry smirked slightly.

"Oh really?" Dani raised her eyebrows. "Well, then let's both hope that I know enough about you that my present won't suck." She said, raising the tiny gift bag in the air.

Barry smiled. "You actually got me something?"

Dani handed the bag over. "I did. Open it!"

Barry chuckled, pulling out the tissue paper while Dani pulled up a chair. She smiled brightly as Barry pulled out a red and yellow wooden keychain carved just like his Flash emblem.

"No way." Barry held it up, examining it. "Where'd you get this?"

"I hired an old contact of my mom-- a carpenter she used to hire to build pieces for her photoshoots," Dani informed. "I painted it though."

"This is awesome. Thank you."

"No problem." Dani shrugged. "So where're your keys?"

Barry chuckled, digging in his pockets.

A flash of red outside pulled Dani's attention to the huge window overlooking the city. Her eyes widened when she saw the Man in Yellow on a building across the street.


"Looks pretty cool, huh?" Barry held up his now complete key chain with his house key resting on the metal loop. But his smile faltered when he noticed the fearful look in Dani's eyes. "Dani?"

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