Training is Stupid

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"I can't believe you convinced me to do this." Dani groaned as she stretched her legs on the cool grass of the field where she did all of her training.

"Dr. Wells just wants to see what you're capable of doing." Cheyanne rolled her eyes at her friend. "He isn't trying to turn you into a lab experiment."

"That's what you think." Dani retorted.

"Why are you so against this?" Cheyanne crossed her arms in annoyance. She gave her friend her signature 'tell me what's wrong before I force it out of you' look.

"This isn't what my mom would have wanted. She wasn't big on scientists and doctors and if I'm being honest with myself, neither am I." 

"You trust Caitlin."

"Caitlin is different. It was my dad's idea to take me to S.T.A.R. Labs when my powers came in and I've had time to get to know her a little bit beforehand." Dani stood up, stretching her arms.

"Just... play nice," Cheyanne told her. "I did not come all the way out here, ignoring me doctor's orders to stay at home and rest, just to watch you blow a gasket."

Dani rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Thank you." Cheyanne smiled in victory. "Where are they anyway? I thought we were supposed to meet up ten minutes ago."

"Well, there's Barry." Dani pointed to the streak of lightning approaching the two women quickly.

Cheyanne followed Dani's fingers, eyes widening when she realized what she saw. "Wait a minute, are you-- Barry's-- what?"

The lightning came to halt right in front of Dani and Cheyanne. The blonde's eyes widened when she saw none other than Barry Allen standing with a huge smile on his face. But that smile fell when he realized that Dani wasn't the only person there. 

"Oh, my god." Cheyanne's eyes widened in shock. "You're the Streak. Did you know he was the Streak?" She quickly turned to Dani.

"Yeah," Dani replied nonchalantly. "You're late." She told Barry, her tone dripping with annoyance.

"There was a robbery," Barry explained before changing the subject by gesturing towards Cheyanne. "Really?"

"She's been present for all of my training sessions. And she's good with the tech. Where's everybody else?" Dani questioned.

"Uh..." Barry trailed off, glancing around him for any sign of the S.T.A.R. Labs van. "There." He pointed once he spotted the vehicle.

It took a long time for the training equipment to be set up; longer than Dani liked. She paced back and forth while Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry set up a tech area for Dr. Wells to watch Dani's vitals and energy levels.

Once the tech area was up and running, Caitlin walked up to Dani, electronic belt and miniature heart monitor in hand. "You ready?" She asked gently.

"The more I'm asked questions like that, the closer I'll be to losing it." Dani chuckled slightly, knowing exactly what Caitlin was asking about.

"I know it's hard, being here, doing this without her... but you just have to believe that she's still here."

"I know. And I do. Otherwise, I wouldn't be her daughter." Dani cracked a smile and Caitlin laughed at the joke. Maybe things were getting better.

"Where's Michael and Zander?" Caitlin asked as she synced her tablet up with the devices hooked up to Dani.

"Not talking to me and at work," Dani answered bitterly. "You done?"

Caitlin sighed, taking a step back. "Yeah, I'm done."

Dani shifted her gaze from the brunette over to Cisco, who was messing with life-sized robots. "What are those for?"

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