Sitting on the Sidelines

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Dani's boots made echoes as she strolled through the S.T.A.R. Labs hallways, walking towards the cortex. She smiled brightly when she saw Cisco and Caitlin. "Hey, I brought donuts!" She greeted, showcasing the two boxes in her hand.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" Cisco spun around in his chair, taking one of the boxes.

"Nope, but I'm not surprised. I mean, I am feeding you." Dani sent him a playful smile. "Caitlin, want a donut?"

"Why not?" Caitlin gave in, taking a napkin from Dani before grabbing one of the delicious breakfast treats. "Thank you, Dani."

"Of course." Dani smiled, setting the box down.

"So, why did you bring us donuts?" Cisco asked with his mouthful. "Not that I'm not grateful."

Dani chuckled, "Oh, believe me, I know you are. But my therapist said that doing nice things for others is a good way to bring happiness into my life so I'm trying it out." She explained, taking a donut for herself.

"You're seeing a therapist?" Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah," Dani sighed. "I've kinda had this anger problem since my mom died and I'm just trying to work through somethings."

"That's good. I'm glad you're taking such a big step like that." Caitlin said.

"Yeah," Cisco scoffed. "Cause for a while there, you were like a fragile bomb."

Caitlin and Dani slowly turned their heads to glare at Cisco. He cowered into his chair under their gaze. "S-sorry."

Dani cracked a smile. "He's so easy to scare." She turned back to Caitlin.

"He really is." Caitlin agreed, laughing at Cisco's offended expression.

"You two are pure evil." He gestured to the two brunettes in front of him.

"Hey, there was a homicide. I gotta go..." Barry faltered when he saw Dani and the donuts. "Are those donuts?"

"Yeah, you want one?" Dani offered.

Barry smiled, taking two and muttering a quick 'thanks' before speeding off to his day job.

"You're welcome!" Dani shouted at the air. "Sometimes it's like he uses his speed too much."

"And he's still always late," Caitlin added.

Dani sighed, plopping down in a random chair. "So, what do you guys have going on today?"

"Nothing." Cisco shrugged. "Unless a criminal pops up."

"Hey, Dani, would you be okay with me running a few tests on your blood? Just to make sure everything is normal?" Caitlin asked hopefully. Since Dani told the team that she wasn't gonna be using her powers for a while, Caitlin had been worried. She had grown pretty close to Dani since they met and since her life was completely dependent on her powers, she wanted to make sure everything was okay.

"Uh, sure, why not?" Dani shrugged. "It's not like I have anything else to do today." She followed Caitlin into the med bay. The two brunettes chatted while Caitlin ran her tests.

"You actually got a tattoo?" Caitlin stared at the beautiful design on Dani's ankle.

"Yeah." Dani chuckled. "It hurt. If it didn't look so good, I'd regret getting it."

"And your date carried you to your apartment?" Caitlin questioned. While the two had been chatting, they caught each other up on their lives. Which meant that Caitlin got all of the details from Dani's date.

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