Family Drama

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The next morning, Dani stood on the train station platform looking for a particular blonde woman. After a few minutes, she spotted her.

"Felicity!" Dani waved. The woman smiled as she made her way over to the brunette, her suitcase trailing behind her.

"Hi, Danika." Felicity hugged her.

"I've told you a bazillion times, just call me Dani." Dani laughed.

"Sorry. I just forget who likes to go by their nicknames and who doesn't." Felicity apologized.

"It's fine." Dani waved her hand. "Come on. Visiting hours start soon."

Dani led the way to her brother's car. Which he reluctantly allowed her to borrow. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, last time I saw Cheyanne it didn't end well and I know she was shot and almost died but she's still mad at me. Wait, is she even still mad at me? She is, isn't she?" Felicity ranted as she got into the car.

"Felicity, relax." Dani laughed. "I may not know what happened between you two, but I do know that you can work it out."

"I hope so." Felicity sighed, looking out the car window for the rest of the trip.

The rest of the car ride passed in silence. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable but Dani hated it. So when the hospital came into view, she nearly sighed in relief.

"Here we are." Dani sent a reassuring smile to Felicity.

"Maybe we should come back another time," Felicity suggested, her voice wavering.

Dani stepped out of the car. "No, Felicity. We're going in there and you are going to see your sister."

Felicity took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She followed Dani all the way to Cheyanne's hospital room.

"You ready?" Dani asked the blonde before they walked into the room.

"Well, it's kind of now or never." Felicity joked.

Dani shot her a small smile then entered the room. "Hey."

"Hey. What are you doing here so early?" Cheyanne asked.

"I brought a special guest." Dani pushed the door open wider to reveal Felicity.

"Oh," Cheyanne whispered. She refused to look her sister in the eye.

"Hi." Felicity smiled shyly. "I, um, I heard about what happened." She moved to stand next to Cheyanne.

"So has most of Central City." Cheyanne spat.

"Chey..." Dani scolded.

"No, it's okay," Felicity told the brunette. "Look, Cheyanne, I'm sorry that I left you. But that was years ago and I have apologized several times since then. I have done my part, now it's time for you to do yours."

Cheyanne shifted her gaze to her sister. "You think this is about you leaving to go to MIT? Felicity, all you've ever done was ignore me. You have always seen me as your annoying little sister and you couldn't wait to leave me and Mom behind to go to college."

"That is not true, Chey, and you know it. I left to get away from Mom, not you. And I may have given my schoolwork more attention than I gave you but I have never ignored you." Felicity insisted.

"Whatever." Cheyanne scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Unbelievable." Felicity breathed out before storming out of the room.

Dani turned to Cheyanne. "One civil conversation. That's all I asked of you and you couldn't even do that." She turned, running after Felicity. "Felicity, wait up."

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