Burning Man

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Dani paced in front of Eric's apartment door. After weeks of him not returning her texts or calls, she finally gathered the courage to confront him. The only problem was her bravery was fading.

Whether by good or bad luck, Dani's phone rang. She stepped away from the door, answering Cisco's call.


"Robbery at the convenience store on Brand and Paulson," Cisco announced.

"Come on. I'm kind of in the middle of something. Can't Barry get this one?" Dani asked.

"Barry's on a date," Cisco said.

Disappointment fell over Dani. "Fine. What about the cops?" 

"Dani just get your ass over to the store." Cheyanne's voice suddenly overtook the speaker.

Dani huffed. "Fine. I'll just put my life on hold." She said bitterly before teleporting to S.T.A.R. Labs to change.

* * *

The robbery takedown went smoothly. The culprits were arrested and no one was harmed before Dani arrived and kicked ass.

But what she wasn't doing so well with was her reconcile with Eric.

The nearly-estranged couple was sitting on opposite sides of the couch. They let silent tension fill the air between them as they both thought over the argument they just had.

Fortunately, Zander cut through the tension with a text.

Dani reached for her phone, sighing at the message.

Zander - Got a jumper on 52nd and Wade.

Dani - And?

Zander - We could use your help.

Dani sighed heavily. She texted her brother, promising to be there soon.

"I need to use the bathroom." Dani lied to Eric. She hurried to his hall bathroom, shutting and locking the door as she faded away.

* * *

Dani appeared right behind the man who threatened to jump off a building. Her black suit made her almost invisible against the night sky. She grabbed the man's hand and teleported him to the ground next to Eddie.

"Keep him grounded." She patted the man's back and went back to S.T.A.R. Labs to change once again before teleporting back inside Eric's bathroom.

She expected to return to a quiet apartment with her boyfriend waiting where she left him. Instead, she appeared just in time to hear Eric threaten to kick down the door.

Dani immediately unlocked it. "Hey." She smiled at a baffled Eric.

"'Hey'? I've been banging on the door for the past five minutes worried about you and all you say is 'hey'?"

"Sorry. I-I didn't hear you." Dani lied. Horribly.

"You didn't hear me? What did you pass out in there or something?" Eric questioned.

Dani hesitated. "Uh, yeah. I got a little dizzy and um... fainted."

Eric crossed his arms, growing increasingly pissed. "Is that the truth?"

"Of course it is." Dani lied. She knew that what she was doing was wrong but she was scared to tell Eric the truth.

"You know what? Just leave."


"If you're gonna keep lying to me, just leave. We're done." Eric rephrased.

"No. I came here to work things out with you and that's what I plan on doing." Dani stood her ground.

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