The Aftermath of Death

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Dani's eyes snapped open and she gasped as air reentered her lungs. She glanced at her surroundings. She was still in the alley. 

Dani slowly and painfully rolled over, groaning in pain as she did so. She leaned against the nearest wall, lifting her shirt to check her stab wound. Her eyes widened at what she saw.

It wasn't bleeding any more. It was now just a gnarly scare on her upper torso.

Dani looked up from her now-healed wound. She needed to get to S.T.A.R. Labs. Immediately. She clenched her teeth, bracing herself for the pain and effort it would talk to get herself to her feet.

The scar still hurt like hell despite being healed.

Dani grunted as she used the brick wall behind her to push herself up. She gripped a nearby dumpster, her knuckles going white from the tightness of her grip.

She took a few deep breaths, calming her nerves before attempting to teleport. But when she did, it didn't work.

Dani could feel herself fading away but a sharp pain erupted in her stomach and rapidly spread through her body. Dani doubled over, gripping the dumpster again so that she wouldn't fall. She tried again, this time making it into the S.T.A.R. Labs cortex. Dani collapsed as soon as her body solidified in the room, crashing into a table.

The crash caught the team's attention. Caitlin, Cisco, and Felicity exited the treadmill room to find Dani sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh my god." Felicity gasped. The was blood all over Dani's shirt and hands.

"That had to hurt," Cisco commented, not as worried as everyone else. He knew about Dani's powers and figured that she was better than she looked.

"Dani, what happened?" Caitlin rushed over to the brunette's side.

"I... was stabbed." Dani struggled to say. The pain flowing through her body made it hard for her to speak.

Caitlin lifted Dani's shirt to check the wound. Her worried expression turned to one of shock when she only saw a scar where a cut should have been. Caitlin reached out to touch but the second her fingers grazed the scar, Dani howled in pain.

"What's going on?" Dr. Wells wheeled into the cortex with Barry right behind him, rubbing his sore neck from the crash he just had.

"Dani?" Barry's eyes widened at the sight of the brunette. He went straight to her side, kneeling across from Caitlin. "What happened?"

"She was stabbed. I don't know why this is happening to her now. Help me get her to the med bay." Caitlin told Barry. He nodded, gingerly sliding his arms under Dani, picking her up, and placing her on a bed in the med bay.

Dani winced at the pain she felt as she was laid on the bed. "What's... wrong... with me?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm not sure yet. But I'm going to run some tests. You're going to be okay." Caitlin assured her friend.

"I'm beginning to gather that Miss Rhodes is a meta." Dr. Wells gave Caitlin a knowing look as she stepped out of the med bay.

"She didn't want me to tell anyone." Caitlin simply stated before exiting the cortex.

"Dani is one of your metas?" Felicity turned to face Cisco and Dr. Wells. She gave them both a hard, cold stare.

Cisco immediately began to crumble under the blonde's gaze. "Well, I-I mean, yeah. B-but she's nice." He stuttered out.

Felicity only continued to give Cisco her death glare. He was furious with Dani for not mentioning anything and, right now, she was blaming her for Cheyanne being shot.

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