Two Battles

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"You're kidding, right?" Dani scoffed. 

Hartley had just finished explaining why the three needed to go to CCPD.

"They have what I need to show you what really happened to Ronnie and how to find him!" Hartley argued.

"Or you're lying and trying to trick us into a trap." Dani retorted.

"I say we go," Cisco said suddenly.

Dani's head whipped toward him. "What?"

"It's the only lead we got." Cisco reasoned.

"Yeah, and it's a sketchy one!" Dani pointed out.

"He's right," Hartley added in his two cents. "If you want to find Ronnie Raymond, we have to go to CCPD.

"Shut up!" Dani and Cisco snapped at him.

"Dani? Dani, can you hear me?" Caitlin's voice came onto Dani's comms.

The brunette held her hand to her ear, turning on her mic. "Yeah, I can hear you."

"Shawna Baez and Clay Parker just hit a money truck. Barry's already on his way." Caitlin informed.

"Great. He can handle it."

"Maybe, but it might go smoother with your help."

Dani sucked in a breath quickly debating what to do. "Take him somewhere to hide out while I help Flash."

"Hold up--" Cisco cut himself off as Dani was already disappearing. "Damn it!"

* * *

When Dani showed up at the scene, Barry and Shawna were already engaged in a fight.

Shawna teleported away from Barry. "Catch me if you can."

Barry sped toward her, entrapping her in his arms. "I can."

Shawna stomped on his foot, pushing herself away from him and teleporting onto the staircase of a tall cement structure.

Dani followed her. She appeared behind Shawna, tapped her shoulder, hitting her straight across the face, and knocking her to the ground.

"You can teleport too?" Shawna looked up at Dani with confusion just as Barry sped to her side.

"Something like that," Dani responded vaguely.

Shawna smirked. "Like I told him, catch me if you can." She teleported higher up on the structure.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Barry groaned. He chased after her. Every time he got close, Shawna would disappear and Barry grasped air.

While Barry played Shawna's game, Dani watched where she jumped.

But Barry finally did lay his hands on her and Shawna teleported with him, dropping him so that he barely hung from a metal railing.

Dani's eyes widened. She didn't have the option to be observant and careful anymore.

"Not too many men can keep up with me," Shawna told Barry just as Dani teleported to her right and came charging at her.

Shawna and Dani fell to the ground in a tumble.

"What about women?" Dani questioned, pinning Shawna to the ground.

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