A Master Plan

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Sparks fell from the power line pole that leaned threateningly over an upside-down car. A man and woman sat trapped in the front two seats, begging for help.

Officers blocked off the crash site, firefighters devised a plan to remove the couple from their car.

But the Flash and Vortex were already there.

Dani appeared on one side of the car while Barry skidded to a stop on the other.

"Help us!" The woman called.

"Hold on!" Dani and Barry replied in unison. Barry vibrated the door on his side off its hinges. Dani yanked at the handle on her side as hard as she could until it gave way.

Barry was able to save the man, speeding him just feet away from the car. "Stay here, all right?" He turned back to the car only to see that a fire had started and was moving towards the car.

Meanwhile, Dani helped the woman get to the ground from her seat. It was a hard maneuver but both women managed.

Dani could see the fire in her peripheral vision, it grew bigger and stronger. "Come on, I got you." She assured the woman, holding her arm and teleporting behind the man and Barry.

The car exploded not even a second later.

"Dana!" The man called. He tried to go to the car but Barry stopped him. He cried, turning away from the fireman dousing the car with water. His tears of loss turned to tears of joy when he saw his girlfriend standing safely on the sidewalk. 

The two ran to each other, hugging the other like their lives depended on it. 

Dani looked away in sadness.

"Thank you, both of you." The man nodded to the heroes.

Barry returned the gesture, a small smile forming on his lips. Dani didn't have a response, she just faded away to S.T.A.R. Labs.

* * *

"Dudes." Cisco laughed. He stood in the middle of the cortex, cleaning the smoke off the suits. "That was insane. I mean, even I'm having a hard time mad at you two for dirtying up my suits."

"Okay, when are we going to start considering it my suit and Dani's suit?" Barry asked. He gestured to the brunette who was too busy texting to pay attention to the conversation.

"I'd feel comfortable saying our suit," Cisco said.

"'Our suit'," Barry repeated with a chuckle.

"Tonight was the fastest you've ever run." Caitlin walked into the cortex.

"Yes, your training is paying off." Dr. Wells added, feeling pride for Barry. "That couple is alive tonight because of you and Miss Rhodes."

Barry stood up, grabbing his jacket. "I can still get faster. I know I can."

"And you will one day, I'm sure." Dr. Wells started wheeling backward. "But, for today, I'd say you've fulfilled your save quota. Proper rest is what you need, as do we all." He said before he left.

"Better yet, what we all need is a proper drink," Cisco suggested. "Who's up for a round?

"Oh, dude, it's-- it's movie night with Joe. I can't." Barry turned him down. "But I'll see you guys tomorrow, all right?"

"Bye." Caitlin and Cheyanne called.

"What about you ladies? Drinks on me?" Cisco asked.

"I think I'll pass." Caitlin denied.

"I already have plans," Cheyanne informed. "But I'm sure Dani would love to get turnt with you." She suggested.

"What about me?" Dani finally lifted her head, zoning back into the world.

"Drinks. You in?" Cisco questioned hopefully.

Dani tilted her head, thinking it over. "Sure, why not?" She shrugged. "But I want to go home and shower first. I smell all smoky."

"Sounds good." Cisco smiled, happy to have a drinking buddy.

* * *

Dani downed her fourth shot of the night, slamming the small glass on the bar top. "Keep 'em coming." She smiled at the bartender.

"Wow." Cisco chuckled. "When you go drinking you go hard."

"You made it!" Dani put an arm around Cisco's shoulder. "Hey, can I get like ten shots over here?" She asked rather loudly.

"Ten?" Cisco raised his brows. "What are you trying to forget?" He joked.

"The fight I had with my boyfriend." Dani's smile turned into a pout. A bartender put a tray of shots in front of her.

"Oh." Cisco frowned. He didn't expect a serious answer. "Sorry."

"It's not your fault." Dani was already halfway done with the tray. "I mean, it's not like you've been secretly meeting with him to tell him that I've been lying. You haven't right?"

"Nope." Cisco shook his head. "I've never even met your boyfriend."

Dani dunked another shot down her throat. "What about you? You don't look so cheery anymore."

Cisco sighed. "You know how Caitlin's fiance, Ronnie, died in the explosion?" Dani nodded. "Well, he's alive. Caitlin and I both saw him and Hartley says he knows what happened. But when I tried talking to Caitlin she just shrugs it off."

"Here." Dani pushed the remaining shots toward Cisco. "Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to forget."

"Why not?" Cisco shrugged.

* * *

An hour later, both Cisco and Dani were slumped in a corner booth laughing over the tiniest things.

"Hey." Cisco sat up straight, an idea coming together in his mind. "I should make Hartley show me where Ronnie is." He slurred.

"You should!" Dani drunkenly agreed. "Caitlin will be so happy."

"Wait! I need a partner." Cisco stated.

Dani furrowed her brows. "Why?"

"Hartley is too strong. And smart." Cisco added. "I need you."

"Me, me. Or..." Dani glanced around the bar making sure no one could hear her. "Or Vortex me?" She whispered.

"Vortex you." Cisco lowered his voice to a whisper also.

"Okay." Dani nodded, her voice still hushed.

Cisco leaned back in his seat, content with the plan. But another thought soon crossed his mind. "Wait a second... how are we gonna get home?"

A huge smile fell onto Dani's lips. "Follow me." She led Cisco out of the bar and into an alley. "Hold my hand."

Cisco did as he was told, grasping Dani's outstretched hand. A fuzzy feeling passed through him as Dani teleported them to his apartment.

"Whoa..." Cisco's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He had never teleported with Dani before and the first time was already freaky enough when you're sober. But teleporting while drunk? That was an interesting experience.

Dani giggled. "Bye." She wiggled her fingers as a wave and faded away from view. She and Cisco both passed out in their homes and wouldn't wake up till late the next morning.

A/N: Dani and Cisco together and drunk. You're welcome.

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