He Broke It

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"You punched a wall?" Cheyanne questioned Dani.

"Repeatedly." The brunette answered as Caitlin finished wrapping up her bleeding fists. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." Caitlin sighed. "But what I'm wondering is why you decided to punch a brick wall like that?"

Dani shrugged. "I was angry. The last time I felt anger like that, I almost destroyed my life so I did what my therapist taught me-- I got it out physically until I didn't feel it anymore."

"So, you were whammied?" Cisco asked.

"I think so." Dani nodded. "I looked into the meta's eyes and everything went red and then all I could feel was that anger."

"Wow." Cheyanne breathed out. "You are so badass right now!"

Dani chuckled. "Thanks, Chey."

Voices and a scream pulled the group's attention to the cortex where Barry and Felicity stood. Barry was still in his Flash suit and Felicity was pulling off her flaming shirt.

"Oh. My. God." Dani's grew wide.

Felicity's and Barry's heads shot toward the group just as Barry handed Felicity her bag.

"I'm glad I decided not to go braless." Felicity's cheeks reddened in embarrassment as she clutched her purse to her almost completely bare chest.

"Me too," Cheyanne muttered.

"You guys remember Felicity?" Barry pointed to the blonde next to him.

"I'll always remember this." Cisco took a bite of his licorice.

Caitlin quickly grabbed a sweatshirt from a nearby chair, hurrying over to Felicity. "Hi, Felicity, it's so good to see you. What brings you to Central City?"

"Not Barry?" Cheyanne questioned, eyeing Dani out of the corner of her eye.

"No, not Barry," Felicity answered quickly. "This? Not happening. We looked down that road and we said 'no, thank you'."

"They get it," Barry whispered to the ranting blonde.

"Actually, I'm here... because of this." Felicity dug around in her purse before pulling out a bagged up boomerang.

Cisco gasped dramatically, taking the weapon. "Awesome!" He pulled the boomerang out of the bag. "What are the wings made of?"

"Not sure-- I'm thinking some sort of composite or high-density plastic--"

"Reinforced with carbon fiber." Cisco nodded as he finished Felicity's sentence. "Oh, that's weird. It almost feels like it's--"

"Vibrating," Felicity said as they started to walk off.

"Yeah." Cisco agreed. "Oh, I wanna run some tests, and I wanna run 'em right now!"

Barry smiled at the two geeks before turning to Caitlin and Cheyanne. "Hey, you guys come up with anything new on our meta?"

"The officer who was affected tonight says he saw a flash of red before he lost control."

"Dani said the same thing," Cheyanne added.

"But I didn't lose control." Dani reminded her friend

Cheyanne scoffed. "Tell that to the brick wall you demolished."

"Hold up." Barry caught the girls' attention. "You were affected?" He asked Dani.

The brunette nodded. "Only for like a minute though."

"I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve," Caitlin spoke up. "Oh, Dr. Wells wants to see you." She added before walking off.

Dani sucked in air between her teeth. "That doesn't sound good." 

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