Eiling the Pest

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It took a little bit of back and forth, but Dani finally convinced Martin to teleport with her.

"Well, that was interesting," Martin said.

"The first time teleporting always is." Dani chuckled. "Come on." She started toward the front door.

"I can't believe it." Martin stared at his home with nostalgia. "Oh-- wait." He stopped Dani. "Uh... what should I say?"

"I don't think there are words to say in a situation like this," Dani answered honestly. "If you feel the need, just stick with a simple 'I love you' or 'I missed you'."

Martin nodded at her words but didn't get a chance to respond as Clarissa swung the door open.

"Oh, Clarissa. I'm so sorry I put you through this." Martin apologized.

Clarissa didn't say anything. Instead, she kissed him and switched to a long embrace.

"Thank you." She mouthed to Dani.

"Your welcome." Dani mouthed back.

"Miss, uh... Dani." Martin corrected himself, now facing the brunette.


"Dani, I--I know I can be difficult, but thank you for bringing me home." He said.

"Just promise not to drop me from the sky again and we can call it even." Dani cracked a smile.

"I think I can do that."

"Then we're even," Dani said. "See you around." She waved before fading away.

* * *

Central City's streets were quiet and peaceful as Dani walked to her father's house from work.

The Rhodes family had decided to have a family dinner tonight since all three of their schedules kept them from spending time together. And this was the night they were all supposed to have free. Keyword: supposed to.

By the time Dani had the house in her sights, Barry sent a 911 text.

Dani groaned in annoyance. "Why can't people stay out of trouble for one night." She complained to herself as she teleported to S.T.A.R. Labs, changed into her suit, and met Barry at Jitters.

She appeared just in time to see Eiling toss a small box into the air. It exploded, thick metal needles falling.

Dani put up a force field around herself out of instinct. But the needles were only close enough to hurt Barry.

And that's exactly what they did.

Barry fell to the ground, needles sticking out of him like a porcupine.

"Flash!" Dani rushed to his side.

"Stings doesn't it?" Eiling questioned. He laughed at Barry's pain. "Had that one developed especially for you. Micro fragments attracted to kinetic energy. Firestorm was tonight's main objective but getting you-- that's just gravy."

"You're not getting anyone." Dani stood up, a look of pure rage in her eyes. She blasted Eiling with an energy ball, knocking him flat on his back.

The timing couldn't have been more perfect, either. A S.T.A.R. Labs van zoomed down the alley, turning to the side where Caitlin opened the door.

"Get in!"

Ronnie and Dani helped Barry up and into the van. He writhed in pain, the needles burrowing deeper into his skin.

"Don't worry you're gonna be fine," Dani promised.

"Cheyanne, step on it," Caitlin called to the front.

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