Patience Is A Virtue

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The next morning, Dani, Zander, Barry, and Joe met back in Barry's lab to discuss Dr. Wells.

"All right." Barry pulled down a plastic sheet from his bulletin board, revealing the very limited information he had on Dr. Wells. "This is everything that we know about Harrison Wells, which is actually not a lot."

"Didn't you read a whole book about him?" Dani questioned, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, 600 pages and the big takeaway is, he's enigmatic," Barry replied.

"Your mom was killed by a speedster," Joe stated. "Wells' machine turned you into a speedster. That's way too many coincidences for this old cop."

"That's only two coincidences." Zander pointed out.

Dani tilted her head at her brother with an annoyed expression. "That is so not the point right now."

"Sorry." Zander raised his hands in surrender.

Barry ran his hands over his face, sighing as he took a seat next to Joe. "Do you think he wanted me to become the flash?"

"Everything he's done since that night you got struck by lightning--  bringing you to S.T.A.R. Labs, giving you the suit, training you-- it's all been to keep you safe," Joe said.

"And to make me faster," Barry added. "Wells once said that he needed more speed from me. Why?"

"Good question," Dani remarked. "But he wants something from you, Barr. We just need to figure out what it is."

"Well let's go get him, then. Let's get some answers." Barry suggested.

"We can't do that now as much as we might want to," Joe told Barry. 

"Joe, you had your suspicions about Wells from the very beginning. You even thought that he might be the man in yellow." Barry argued.

"Except the blood from your house didn't match him." Joe pointed out.

"Sorry, what?" Zander interjected. "What blood?"

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Dani voiced her own confusion.

"A couple of months ago I had Cisco help me take another look at Barry's old house and we found some blood on the living room wall underneath some wallpaper," Joe informed. "Some of the blood belonged to Barry-- as an adult-- and some belonged to someone else."

Dani turned to Barry with wide eyes. "You time travel again?"

"Again?" Zander and Joe spoke in unison.

"I kinda already went back a day and erased everything that happened," Barry explained.

"How?" Joe asked.

Barry shrugged. "I don't know."

"Hold on a second." Zander pulled everyone's attention towards him. "How do you remember what happened but we don't?" He pointed to Dani.

"Astra," Dani answered simply.

Zander stared at her, dumbfounded. "I have so many questions."

Dani sighed heavily. "Look, I'll answer whatever questions you have later. Right now we have to deal with the issue at hand. Harrison Wells and if he's a speedster or not." She reasoned, adding emphasis on the word 'if'.

"All right, so maybe he's not the Reverse-Flash, but you think that he knows what happened that night," Barry said while looking at Joe. "He may have the key to getting my dad out of prison."

Joe started shaking his head. "Whatever Wells wants from you, it started fifteen years ago."

"He's been patient," Zander commented.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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