Honestly Breaking Up

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During exciting events of the previous night, Dani had managed to place a tracker on Martin. After taking a break for the rest of the night, she returned to S.T.A.R. Labs. Cheyanne activated the tracker and all that was left to do was wait.

Fortunately, the wait didn't last very long. The tracker placed Martin at an overpass in the middle of Central City.

Now that they knew where to find him, Dani called Barry while she, Cheyanne, and Caitlin were on their way to pick up Clarissa.

"There he is." Caitlin recognized Ronnies body under a cement walkway. "Looks like the tracker Dani placed on him worked."

"At least something good came out of my impromptu flight," Dani mumbled.

"Professor Stein?" Caitlin called out.

Martin had crawled out from under his little hideout. "Ugh, I told you to stay away from me." He groaned, walking in the other direction.

"And I will, but there's someone else who wants to talk to you." Caitlin's words were of no use. Martin just kept walking.

Clarissa stepped forward. "Martin!" That got him to stop. "Do you know who I am?" She inched slowly toward her husband.

"Clarissa," Martin said.

"Is it really you?" Clarissa asked.

"I don't know. I hear the other inside of me." Martin's breathing became uneven. "He wants to go home..." He looked up to Caitlin. "To her. But we can't. I want to be me again."

"Martin... what's my favorite color?" 

"You could-- you could never decide, so you chose stripes."

Clarissa gasped. Tears welled in her eyes as she finally had proof that her husband was still alive and right in front of her. She reached forward to touch his cheek.

"You shouldn't see me like this." Martin pulled back.

"I see you." Clarissa cried. "I see you, Martin. These people can help you. They say they can. Please let them."

Martin focused his gaze on the others. "Please... help us."

* * *

"Well, we got him. Them." Barry corrected himself. "Now what?"

Since Martin agreed to let S.T.A.R. Labs help him, Dani, Cheyanne, Caitlin, and Barry brought him to the Labs.

"Well, Stein clearly thinks he can separate himself from Ronnie's body using nuclear fission." Dr. Wells said.

"What do you think?" Caitlin asked.

"What do I think?" Dr. Wells pondered the idea. "Is it possible? Theoretically. But splitting an atom and splitting a man are two very different things."

Caitlin nodded, understanding that she may not get her fiancee back. Then her eyes focused on Martin who walked in all clean with a new haircut that resembled the old Ronnie almost too much.

Dani, Cheyanne, Barry, and Dr. Wells followed her line of sight. They all stared at Martin, making him uncomfortable.

"I don't suppose it's necessary to point out that you're all staring?" Martin sassily questioned.

"Freaky," Cheyanne muttered. Dani nudged her as everyone averted their gaze. The awkwardness created a thick tension in the room.

"Our apologies," Wells said.

"It is remarkable. I feel clearer than I have since the accident." Martin announced. "What did you give me?"

"A cocktail of anti-psychotics, depressants, and mood stabilizers," Wells answered.

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