Back to Business

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Dani's heels clicked on the newly polished floor as she walked through Central City Art Museum. She smiled at her coworkers, greeting them with 'hellos' and 'good mornings'. Dani walked into her office, relishing the peace she felt at finally being able to do what she loved again.

Sadly, that peace quickly ended when a knock sounded at her office door. "Yes?" Dani looked up, seeing her boss.

"Dani, I need a favor." He said, walking right into the brunette's office.

"What do you need?" Dani questioned, sitting down in her desk chair.

"As you probably already know, we're opening again in a month. But I've decided that we're gonna start off with an elegant grand reopening celebration." 

"That sounds like a lot of work," Dani commented.

"Oh, it is." Her boss agreed. "Which is why you're perfect for the job."

"Excuse me?" Dani's jaw dropped.

"I need you to organize the grand reopening party, keep doing your everyday work, and get your brother to help find a shipment of paintings that never made it here."

"B-but, Mr. Hurst--"

"Thank you so much, Dani. You're an angel." Mr. Hurst complimented before leaving quickly.

Dani watched her boss leave in shock. She dropped her head on her desk, groaning. Why did it always have to be her?

* * *

Dani walked into the precinct right in time to see Eddie arguing with Captain Singh. 

"What's Eddie all riled up about?" Dani asked Barry, who had been watching the whole time.

"I think he's upset because the Captain doesn't believe in the Flash. Or Vortex." Barry answered. "And because he thinks they're public menaces."

"Excuse me?" Iris questioned, joining the two. Barry only shrugged.

The door to Singh's office opened with Eddie coming out.

"So after weeks of my trying to convince you that the Flash and his partner are real, now that you finally do believe me, you're trying to have him arrested? What the hell?" Iris seethed.

Eddie leaned to the side, shooting Barry a pointed look. "Thanks, Barry."

"Sorry." Barry apologized, not really meaning it.

"No worries." Eddie turned back to Iris. "The captain shot me down. Look, I'm not feeling like lunch. See you later." He walked off.

Iris sighed. "He's just jealous."

"Of the Flash?" Barry questioned.

"Should he be?" Dani added, giving Iris a slightly knowing look.

"No." She quickly denied. "I'll see you later." She said before leaving.

A brief silence fell between Dani and Barry before the latter realized something. "Hey, what are you doing here? Isn't today your first day back a work?"

"Yeah, it is." Dani nodded. "But my boss put me in charge of organizing the reopening party while still doing my everyday work, and now a shipment has gone missing and he asked me to get my brother to look into it."

"Wow." Barry's eyes went wide.

"Mm-hmm." Dani hummed in agreement. "Speak of the devil." She said, seeing Zander walk down the stairs. "I'll talk to you later." She patted Barry's leg, getting up and meeting her brother. "Hey."

Zander looked up from a file he was reading. "Hey, what's up?"

"So much." Dani sighed. "Mr. Hurst wanted me to ask you to look into a missing shipment of paintings."

"Why not just file a report?" Zander questioned.

"Because it's my boss and he wants things done quickly and quietly." Dani rolled her eyes. "Please just, do something. Anything. I really don't care."

"I'll talk to Captain Singh," Zander said. "But I can't promise he'll say yes without an official report."

"Tell him it's for me." Dani shrugged. "He likes me."

"No, he doesn't." Zander denied.

"What? Come on, everybody likes me." 

"Not Singh. Maybe if you didn't come in here and yell at me so much, he might actually like you."

"Haha, very funny. Just, talk to him soon, please. I need this solved as soon as possible so that I can get everything else done. I'll be at the museum if you need anything."

"Don't you mean S.T.A.R. Labs?"

"No. Why would I mean S.T.A.R. Labs?"

Zander glanced around, lowering his voice. "There was a meta attack. Everyone went nuts and tried to kill each other."

Dani groaned. "Great. First, my boss overworks me, and now this."

"Hey, I'm sure if you asked, Barry, Caitlin, Cheyanne, or Cisco would be happy to keep you updated.

"That actually gives me an idea." Dani thought for a moment. "Thanks, Zander. You're the best." She complimented before getting on the elevator. She pulled out her phone, making a group chat with her, Caitlin, Cisco, Cheyanne, and Barry.

Hey, let me know if anything meta-human related comes up - Dani

Dani smiled when she saw a thumbs up emoji from Barry. Maybe she could have a job and be a hero.

* * *

"Ugh!" Dani groaned in frustration. It had been hours and she was no closer to authenticating a new painting. The framework suggested one time period while the actual art suggested another.

Luckily, Dani was given an excuse to put off her work when Cisco texted her.

"Meta at the 1600 block of pass. Get ready."

"On it." Dani texted back before teleporting to S.T.A.R. Labs and changing into her suit.

"All right, I'm here," Dani spoke into her comms.

"Be careful, Dani. This meta causes some mad rage. We don't know how yet." Caitlin warned.

"Got it. Being careful." Dani whispered as she waited behind a wall while Joe and the SWAT team engaged with the meta.

"Certo, what are you waiting for? Cuff him!" Joe ordered.

The SWAT officer, Certo, spun around, aiming his gun at Joe. "You don't tell me what to do." He growled.

"Get down!" Joe yelled as Certo cocked and fired the gun.

Dani went to save the other officers but Barry beat her to it, speeding them out of the way. So instead she went chasing after the meta. "Hey!" She shouted, energy balls forming in her hands. "Stand down!"

The meta smirked, staring into Dani's eyes, his own irises glowing red. "Or you could let me go." He ran off, leaving Dani in the backroom with her eyes fading from the red glow they mimicked.

Dani felt a wave of bubbling anger inside her-- anger she knew all too well. She turned to the wall, punching it with her glowing fist. She did that again and again until there was a gaping hole in the brick and the anger subsided.

"What the hell?" Dani whispered, staring at the cuts that formed on her knuckles.

A/N: I almost didn't finish this chapter on time. I got a new phone the other day and I am so addicted to it rn. Luckily I pulled my nose out of it long enough to get another chapter written and posted

Next chapter I plan on having Dani and Oliver meet. How do you think that's gonna go?

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