The Road to Healing

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Dani walked up to Zander and Cheyanne, an annoyed expression evident on her face. "Why am I here?" She crossed her arms, glancing up at the giant red sign of the building the trio stood in front of reading: Anger Management.

"You get to smash things." Cheyanne smiled, hoping to keep Dani from figuring out her and Zander's plan before they got inside. "Sounds fun right?"

Dani eyed her brother and friend suspiciously. "Sure." She drew out, walking inside the building. Zander and Cheyanne high-fived, feeling accomplished for getting so far. Now all they had to do was get Dani to actually participate.

As soon as the three stepped inside, a dark-skinned man who appeared to be in his thirties, stood up. "You made it." He smiled at Dani. "You must be Dani." He held his hand out for the woman to shake.

Dani narrowed her eyes at the strange man, glancing back at Zander and Cheyanne's eager faces before taking the stranger's hand. "I am. Who are you?"

"Victor Greene. I work with your brother sometimes at CCPD. I'm a psychologist." The man introduced.

"Okay, I think we're done here." Dani tried leaving but Zander quickly grabbed her shoulders, turning her around.

"Just listen to what he has to say, Dani."

Dani rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "You got one minute."

Victor chuckled. "Hiding behind anger. One of my favorite types."

"Excuse me?" Dani cocked an eyebrow.

"Everyone who goes through a traumatic event has their own way of dealing with the pain and after-effects. You obviously are the type who covers it up with anger." Victor turned so that he stood next to Dani, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Come with me. I already paid for everything.

"What's the point of this?" Dani questioned as Victor led her to a rack of helmets, goggles, and smashing tools such as sledgehammers, bats, crowbars, mallets, etc.

"You grab some goggles, a helmet, pick your weapon and then we go in there." Victor pointed to a closed white door. "And we work through your anger issues."

Dani shot Victor an annoyed look. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

Victor chuckled again, patting Dani's shoulder. "You're a smart one."

Dani huffed, grabbing a random helmet and pair of goggles. She smirked as her eyes landed on a sledgehammer. "Let's get this over with." She brushed past Victor, strolling into the room full of breakable objects.

Victor looked back at Zander and Cheyanne with a gleam in his eyes. "This is gonna be fun."

Victor strolled into the room, a wide smile plastered across his face seeing Dani all ready to start.

"So, what, I just start smashing things?" Dani asked in a bored tone.

"Not quite. You are going to say something or someone you're mad at and then hit whatever's closest to you-- not me." Victor explained, taking a step back so that he was against the wall. "Start whenever you're ready."

Dani rolled her eyes, swinging her sledgehammer into her hand. "This is so ridiculous." She walked up to a random blender on a table in the center of the room. "I'm mad at my brother." She spoke in a prissy voice, swinging her sledgehammer over her head and smashing the blender into pieces. A rush of adrenaline ran through her, making her want to smash more.

"I'm mad at Cheyanne." Dani smashed a computer. "I'm mad at my dad" She smashed a mirror. "I'm mad at Barry." She smashed a vase. "I'm mad at Dr. Wells, Cisco, Caitlin." Dani was practically on a warpath now, smashing everything her eyes landed on. She through out many more names as she tore the rage room apart. But she didn't finish her list until she had one last object left in the room, the biggest object: the large wooden table.

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