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Dani's heels clicked on the polished marble floor as she strolled to her office. She flipped through paperwork on her clipboard so she didn't notice Cheyanne sitting in her office until she spoke.


Dani jumped, dropping her clipboard and energy balls forming in the palms of her hands. "Damn it, Chey. You scared me." Dani sighed, picking her clipboard back up.

"And it was hilarious." Cheyanne giggled.

Dani chuckled. "What are you doing here?"

Cheyanne placed two Big Belly Burger to-go bags on Dani's desk. "Lunch?"

"Yes." Dani smiled, immediately grabbing some food.

"So," Cheyanne began. "Zander gave me the latest update on your powers."

"He did?" Dani asked around a bit of burger.

Cheyanne nodded. "Yeah. He asked me to spend some time with you. You know, see how you're doing."

Dani shook her head. "I'm fine. He's being overprotective."

"He said you had a meltdown about being immortal." Cheyanne gave Dani a look.

"I did," Dani admitted. "But I went to my mom's grave, had a conversation with Barry, and I realized that I've been feeling guilty about my mom's death since it happened. Finding out I couldn't die just gave me an outlet to cry about it."

"I'm glad you're okay, then." Cheyanne smiled. "So, you talked with Barry?"

Dani rolled her eyes. "You're still shipping us?"

"Hell, yeah." Cheyanne scoffed. "You two would make the cutest couple."

"Cheyanne, I haven't liked Barry that way since high school and he's never had feelings for me."

"That's what they all say."

The girls burst into laughter. It had been so long since they had a chance to get together and just talk. Even if the conversation wasn't exactly about normal stuff, they both missed it.

That's when the museum alarms went off. Red lights flashed and Dani and Cheyanne shared a panicked look.

"Stay here," Dani told Cheyanne. She crept out of the room, slowly walking down the hallway of offices to the main gallery.

A man stood in the center, gun aimed at museum-goers who cowered in a corner. The man seemed to sense Dani's presence. He turned, aiming his gun at her. Dani gulped.

Then a gunshot rang throughout the open space.

* * *

Barry went about his lab, catching up on the paperwork and analyzing he hadn't gotten to yet. His phone rang, interrupting a computer analysis he was running.

"Hey." He answered.

"Barry, there's been reports of shots fired at the Central City Art Museum," Cisco informed.

Barry stopped in his tracks. That's where Dani worked.

"Barry, did you hear me?" Cisco asked.

"I heard you Cisco. I'm on my way." Barry was about to run off when Joe stepped into the lab.

"Barry, there's a gunman holding hostages at the museum. Dani's there. We got reports about gunshots."

"I know," Barry said, speeding off to S.T.A.R. Labs. He quickly changed into his suit then ran to the museum.

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