A New Rogue

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It wasn't long after Dani's talk with Zander that she got a text from him. She immediately teleported to S.T.A.R. Labs, changed into her suit, and teleported to the hangar Snart was attacking right when the police got there.

The policemen rushed out of their vehicles, holding their new shields.

"Snart, freeze!" Joe shouted. But Snart took the command a bit too seriously. He shot his cold gun at the officers. 

Dani teleported behind Snart. "Hey!" 

Right as Snart turned around, Dani punched him and yanked the cold gun from his grip. She punched him again, knocking him to the ground.

"Have fun in prison," Dani smirked.

Snart propped himself up on his elbows. "You have fun treating those burns."

Dani furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" Before she knew it, a searing, hot pain erupted into her back. She howled in pain, crumbling to the floor and dropping the cold gun.

"Why do they call you people the heat? I'm the heat!" A stranger with a flame gun shouted. He shot fire at the cops who weren't equipped to protect themselves against him.

"No." Dani tried to push herself up to protect the officers but the pain from her burn wound was too much. She fell back down with a grunt.

Zander saw his sister from the corner of his eye and ran to her without a second thought. He slammed his shield to the ground, protecting him and Dani. "Get to S.T.A.R. Labs. Now!"

"I can't. You and the other cops aren't equipped for this." Dani fought through the searing pain in her back to stand up.

"And you have what's probably a third degree burn. Go." Zander demanded.

"Never." Dani stepped around Zander and his shield. "Hey! You wanna fight someone, fight me."

"Works for me!" The pyromaniac shouted, firing his flames back on Dani. She instantly lifted her arm up, blocking the hit with a force field.

But the maniac kept going. He was determined to burn through her shield.

"Forget her, Mick!" Snart shouted to his partner as he kept firing at the police to keep them at bay. "Get ready for him."

The maniac, Mick, didn't listen. Dani had pissed him off and he was determined to burn her alive now.

Dani walked closer to Mick, her shield still up. She wanted to get close enough that the flames would project off her shield and back at him. She wanted him stunned for even just a moment so that she could get the drop on him.

But the closer she got, the hotter the flames became and seared through the force field.

Mick smiled the devil getting ready to torture. He slowly adjusted his aim, wanting to take his time with this pleasurable moment.

Zander looked between Mick and his sister. He knew it was highly likely that fire wouldn't kill Dani, but he didn't want to see her be burned alive.

So, he pulled out his gun and fired. The bullet hit Mick's flame gun, breaking it.

Snart looked back at his partner. "We go, now!" He ordered, firing his cold gun at the cops and Dani one last time before escaping with Mick.

With the immediate threat gone, Dani collapsed to her knees. She clutched her burned back.

"Hey." Zander kneeled beside her. "Get Caitlin to look at that. Please."

Dani nodded. "Okay." She finally teleported to S.T.A.R. Labs.

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