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Dani had her arms wrapped around Barry's neck, holding on for dear life while he raced down the streets of Central City.

The two heroes were chasing down the Royal Flush Gang. Normally Dani would teleport to where she needed to be but the streets were busy tonight and she really didn't want to go through the pain of being hit by a car.

"Oh, Barry, there's an intersection coming up. Hurry!" Caitlin warned.

"This should slow 'em down." Dani heard Cisco say in the comms.

The light ahead turned red. But the King and Queen ran it, turning down different streets.

Barry stopped in the middle of the intersection, hand pressed to his comms. "Guys, which way?"


"Right." Cisco and Caitlin spoke at the same time.


"Left." They switched words. 

Cheyanne gave the two a look. "I don't think that's helping."

"You both hear you're telling us two different things right?" Dani asked.

"Barry, Dani, listen up. Listen carefully. Here is what you're going to do." Dr. Wells' voice came on the comms.

Dani slid off Barry's back, sensing they were going to be heading in different directions.

"Barry, the Queen is trying to make it to the bridge, but I have a shortcut-- wait for it-- and left. Left. Right."

"I se her!" Barry called.

"Good. Make a detour, have her go west before Fremont. Now, Dani, the King is headed for the entrance to the interstate. He's coming up on the last intersection meet him there."

"Copy," Dani called. She teleported to the place Wells described, putting up a force field to force him to go right.

"Check..." Dr. Wells trailed.

The King and Queen slowed down, meeting face to face just as the third member, the Ace, stopped before the two of them.

Barry raced around them. "Got the keys!"

Dani teleported to each one, cuffing them to their bikes with handcuffs she borrowed from her brother.  "Have fun." She smiled and waved before fading away.

"Mate." Wells finished as four cop cars surrounded the gang.

Dani made it back to the cortex first, a victorious smile plastered to her face. Barry sped in seconds later.

"Give me some!" Cisco held both hands up for a high-five from each hero. Barry and Dani both gave in, still feeling their adrenaline rushes.

"Efficiently done, Mr. Allen, Miss Rhodes." Dr. Wells complimented.

"We need a picture." Cisco quickly stated before a single thank you could be uttered from Dani or Barry.

"Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without your mask on," Barry argued.

"Yeah, common sense, Cisco." Dani agreed.

"Oh, come on, please!" He begged. "This is just for us. This is just to document all this."

"Who knows?" Dr. Wells cut in. "Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened."

Wells' agreement nudged Barry on board. "All right, well, if you want the future to have the whole story, then, we all need to be in it."

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