Where's My Name?

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After Cisco's inappropriate comment, Dr. Wells and Caitlin convinced Bette to let them test her. She sat on a bed in front of the speed treadmill, facing a glass window that divided her from the rest of the team.

"Her cellular structure is unlike anything I've ever seen." Dr. Wells remarked.

"Her nitrogen levels are off the charts," Caitlin observed before going into the treadmill room to check on Bette.

"Do you think we can help her?" Barry questioned hopefully.

"To answer that question, we have to understand how she works and to understand that, first we have to study her in action."

"You want her to blow stuff up!" Cisco smiled giddily. "Yes, now we're talking."

"Not in here. She's too unstable." Dr. Wells clarified.

"I know." Cisco lied, having no thought about that.

"I know you know." Dr. Wells played along, still studying Bette's vitals and genetic information.

"This is gonna be so cool," Dani whispered to herself, but Barry overheard her.

"Wait, don't you have work?" He furrowed his eyebrows at the brunette.

"Wow, Barry, trying to get rid of me already?" Dani faked offense.

Barry's eyes widened, "Wh-- no. I-I didn't mean it like that I--"

Dani chuckled, stopping Barry mid-sentence. "Relax, Barr. I was just teasing you." She patted his arm. "The museum is just closed for the next month so that everything can get cleaned up and employees have time to cope. Then it's closed to only the public for the two months after that."

Barry nodded, about to say something when he heard Caitlin's worried voice through the speaker.

"There's something in there." She gasped as she dug into a gunshot wound in Bette's arm with tweezers. She pulled it out, studying it when Bette's eyes grew wide.

"A tracker." She announced.

As if on cue, one of the computers beeped. A video of Eiling and a bunch of his soldiers in the elevator popped up on the monitor.

"Lockdown the pipeline. Get Bette out of here." Dr. Wells ordered. "I'll take care of Eiling."

* * *

Cisco, Caitlin, Barry, and Dani brought Bette to an abandoned airfield. The same one where Barry first tested his speed.

Caitlin and Cisco set up a table of random objects to throw and laptops to test Bette's power.

Bette grabbed a blue frisbee off the table. A purple glow spread across it the second t came into contact with her hand. She threw it into the air and it exploded only seconds later.

"427 KPA's. Her trauzl rating is around forty-five. That's the same as any plastique." Cisco informed, a sudden smile crossing his face. "Plastique. Ha-- first try!"

"Wait, so do you name all the metas?" Dani raised her eyebrows at Cisco.

"Yeah. How do you think Captain Cold got his name?" Cisco scoffed.

"Where's my name?" Dani questioned.

Cisco looked up from his computer, staring at Dani with a thoughtful look. "Come back to me in a few days. I'll think of something."

"You better." Dani shot Cisco a stern look.

"Didn't really think this one through, did you?" Caitlin held up a boomerang, her expression conveying disappointment. Cisco stuttered for an answer but found none.

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