Saying Goodbye

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Funeral preparations were depressing. Dani hardly went through a single conversation without busting out in tears. The emotional distress didn't help with her power control either.

Fortunately, everything was finally done. The grave, headstone, casket, time, and guest list were organized.

Dani stood in front of the full-length mirror on her bedroom wall, staring at her reflection. Her make-up was minimal, her dress simple, and a soft black cardigan covered her arms to keep the chilly morning air at bay.

The clock on the reflection grabbed Dani's attention. She had twenty minutes until the funeral started. She wiped a few tears that escaped her wet eyes and grabbed her keys. All she wanted was for today to be over with.

At the cemetery, Dani was immediately bombarded by Iris.

"Dani, I'm so sorry." She cried as she hugged her friend. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm managing," Dani said truthfully.

Joe walked up behind Iris. "We're so sorry, Dani. Your mother was a wonderful woman."

"Thanks." Dani forced herself to keep her composure. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her brother. "Excuse me."

Dani walked up to him. "Really? Sunglasses, a beer?"

"Leave me alone, Dani." Zander took a sip of his drink.

"We're at our mother's funeral. Act like it." Dani ripped the beer bottle from Zander's hand, storming off to her car to hide it. When she got back, the funeral was seconds from starting.

It felt like eons had passed when it was finally Dani's turn to speak. Dani moved towards the front of the crowd, though her soul felt as though it was somewhere else.

Dani took a shaky breath. "Thank you all for coming. I know my mom would appreciate it." Tears began filling her eyes. "My mother was a very spiritual person. She believed in fate, destiny, the universe; all of it. We would all tease her about it. But somehow, I think I turned out a lot like her. I've been thinking about what to say all morning but the only thing that comes to mind is an old family saying: un legame familiare non può mai essere spezzato o distrutto, anche se il nemico è spietato. It means, a family bond can never be broken or destroyed, even if the enemy is ruthless. Death is the enemy. And I still feel a strong connection to my mother, despite her absence."

Dani went back to her seat, as the crowd applauded. That's when the tears actually fell. Her mother was gone. Reality hit her like a truck. She chocked back a sob, not wanting to make a scene but not wanting to leave either.

"Hey," Cheyanne tapped her friend's shoulder from behind. "Do you want to maybe dip out? Go to a bar and repeat the finals week incident?"

Dani sat there for a second, watching her father talk about her mother with such passion and love. 

"No." She sniffled. "I want to stay. Maybe later."

Cheyanne nodded in understanding, leaning back into her seat. She hated seeing her best friend like this. Dani was normally charismatic and even bubbly at times but her gloomy attitude right now sent an eerie chill down Cheyanne's spine. She could only hope that Dani would come out the other end of this with even the slightest sliver of her old self intact.

* * *

After the funeral, the Rhodes lined up at the entrance to the cemetery. They bid the guests goodbye and solemnly accepted heartfelt condolences.

The family went their separate ways. Michael went home, Zander found his way to a bar and Dani took Cheyanne up on her earlier offer.

The two girls sat at the bartop of the bar Cheyanne worked at. They downed shots, sipped beer and wine, and played pool. But the distractions did nothing to ease Dani's pain. Instead, it brought out an underlying emotion: anger.

While Dani was walking back to her apartment, she found herself stopped in front of her father's gym.

Michael was a retired Army soldier who opened up a boxing and wrestling gym to teach people self-defense and help them blow off some steam.

Dani practically grew up at the place. She knew all of the trainers, their families, and the regulars. Spending so much time there, around all the punching and fighting taught Dani useful combat skills that she mostly used on a punching bag to get her frustrations out.

Tonight seemed like the best night to fall back into old habits.

So, still in her funeral attire, Dani used her spare key to enter the gym. She grabbed some from behind the front desk, wrapping her hands in the white material so that they wouldn't get too bruised when she started throwing punches.

Dani made her way to the side where a row of punching bags hung from the low-bearing rafters. She kicked her shoes off, getting into a fighting stance and letting all of her anger and pain out on the inanimate object. 

With each punch, the anger ebbed away. Soon there was nothing left but a hollowness in Dani. A gaping whole sat in her heart where the anger used to be and for a second a numbing emptiness washed over Dani. Then the pain set in again.

Dani crumpled to the floor, sobbing. Her mother was dead. The one person that she thought would be by her side for years to come was gone. Forever.

Now she had to learn to cope.


Sorry, this chapter is so short but I needed something to bridge the last chapter with the next one. From now on the story is gonna be following the show (to a certain extent). I hope y'all are enjoying the story and don't forget to comment and vote! I love getting feedback from readers.

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