A City Full of Metas?

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"Tell me what happened. From the beginning." Zander told his sister as they walked to his car.

"The gunmen came in, demanded that everyone give up their valuables, and when the security guard came running out, all six of them fired." Dani started explaining.

"And that's when you saw the meta?" Zander asked.

"Not exactly." Dani sighed. "I saw... I don't know what it was. I-it looked like a blur."

"So, what now? Do we go to S.T.A.R. Labs? Ask some questions?"

"No. They didn't trust me enough to tell me about other metas. So I'm not gonna trust them with what I know."

"Then where are we going?" Zander questioned as he climbed into his car.

"We're going to get our nerd," Dani said as she slid into the passenger seat.

* * *

Dani pounded her fist on the apartment door, her patience thinning.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing an angry blonde. "What. The. Hell?" She asked.

"I need your help," Dani told Cheyanne.

"What now?" Cheyanne groaned.

"There's other metas in Central City."

"Just when I thought my life was getting back to normal, you come and drop another bomb on me."

"If you don't want to help then I'll just go." Dani shrugged, backing away. Cheyanne grabbed her arm.

"I didn't say that. Come on." Cheyanne led her into the kitchen. "Do you want water, coffee... wine?"

Dani smiled. "I think we both know the answer to that."

Cheyanne laughed, pouring both her and Dani a glass of wine. "So, are we waiting for Caitlin and Cisco or are we just gonna dive right into this meta-human problem by ourselves.

"I actually haven't said anything to Caitlin or Cisco," Dani admitted. "I've known Caitlin for months and she hasn't mentioned anything about other metas. Not even in passing or as a hypothesis or whatever."

"But how do you know that they knew if there were other metas?" Cheyanne asked.

"Because they helped build the particle accelerator, they were there when it exploded, and why even bother coming up with the term meta-human to describe me if I'm the only one?" Dani pointed out.

"All right." Cheyanne nodded. "Where do we start?"

"Well, Zander's at the precinct collecting all the files he can that have weird or unexplainable stuff," Dani informed.

* * *

After dropping Dani off at Cheyanne's apartment, Zander drove straight to CCPD. He went straight to the file room.

It took a couple of hours, but Zander felt like he found all of the files that fir the description Dani gave him. On his way back out to his car, however, Zander bumped into Joe.

"Hey, Zander, have you seen Barry?" He asked.

"Uh, no not since the crime scene. He might be up in his lab though." Zander suggested.

"Thanks." Joe patted his back, beginning to walk off when he realized something. "Hey, what are you doing with all those files?"

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