Dead Woman Walking

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Quiet classical music flowed through the ceiling speakers of the Central City Art Museum. Dani's heels clicked against the marble floor as she walked alongside her boss, explaining to him everything she had planned out for the grand opening of the new exhibit.

"Well, Dani, I gotta say, you're doing a spectacular job." Her boss complimented. "Keep this up and there just might be a raise in your future."

Dani smiled. "Thank you, sir."

"Now," He turned to look at the paintings and sculptures being moved to their displays. "Did you get a caterer?"

"I did." Dani glanced at her clipboard. "I have Svorski's scheduled to be here at seven; an entire hour before the grand opening starts."

"You ordered finger food-type appetizers, correct?"

"Yes, and the guest list is with your assis--"

Dani's phone started ringing in the middle of her sentence. She checked the screen, seeing Caitlin's name pop up.

"Excuse me." Dani stepped away from her boss. "Please tell me you don't have life-threatening news," Dani whispered into the phone.

"It's not life-threatening." Caitlin denied. Dani released a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"Thank god." She sighed.

Caitlin hesitated. "But there is an anomaly."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Look, this would be a lot easier to explain if I could show you the test results. Can you meet me at Jitters around seven?"

"Um, I don't know. My mom has chemo then. But I have nothing tomorrow night so maybe you could just drop by my place when you're off." Dani suggested.

"That'll work." Caitlin agreed.

"I'll text you my address." Dani went to hang up before she remembered something. "Thank you so much, Caitlin. You have no idea how much everything you're doing means to me."

"Your welcome," Caitlin replied. Dani could hear the sincerity and kindness in her voice.

Dani hung up, finishing up the tour and going about the rest of her day.

* * *

Dani paced the span of her living room repeatedly. Caitlin was supposed to be there any minute and the wait only made Dani more nervous.

The doorbell rang, making Dani jump. She rushed to the door but her dwindling panic flooded back when she didn't see Caitlin.

"Hey, Cheyanne." Dani sighed.

"Wow, you sound so excited to see me." Cheyanne scoffed, entering Dani's apartment.

Dani ran a hand through her hair. "No, it's just... I was expecting someone else."

Cheyanne cocked an eyebrow. "Are you trying to tell me you have a date?"

"No. I don't. Caitlin, one of the S.T.A.R. Labs employees, is supposed to be stopping by to tell me what's wrong with me."

"So you took my advice."

Dani rolled her eyes. "Yes, I took your advice."

The doorbell rang again and Dani practically ran to the door. "Caitlin." 

"Hi, Dani." Caitlin greeted, stepping inside when Dani widened the door. "So it took some time but I think I finally found out why... oh, you have... company."

"It's okay Cailin. I've already told Cheyanne." Dani informed.

"Oh." Caitlin nodded, extending her hand. "Caitlin Snow."

Cheyanne smiled, shaking Caitlin's hand. "Cheyanne Smoak."

"So, you ran some tests?" Dani asked expectantly.

"You might want to sit down for this," Caitlin warned.

The three women sat at Dani's kitchen table. 

"Is Dani dying?" Cheyanne asked as Caitlin pulled a file folder out of her purse.

"Not exactly." Caitlin opened the folder placing Dani's test results on the table. "Your body is overflowing with energy."

"Energy? Why?" Dani furrowed her eyebrows.

"The only explanation I can of is that when the dark matter wave hit, it stopped your heart. And your body served as an empty cavity for all of the excess energy in the air."

"I'm dead?" Dani gawked.

"You were." Caitlin corrected. "But when the energy merged with your cells, it restarted your heart. Sort of."

"Sort of?" Cheyanne crossed her arms.

"Dani is in a half-living, half-dying state. Which explains your eyes going gray." Caitlin explained. "The energy is what's keeping you alive."

"So, what, at one point I'll run out and die?" Dani started to panic.

"No, actually, your cells seem to be getting energy from some mystery source. If you could come back to S.T.A.R. Labs I'm sure Dr. Wells and I can figure out everything we need to know and help you control these powers you're developing."

Dani shook her head. "No. I-I don't want anyone else to know."

"Dani, these people could help you." Cheyanne protested.

"Thank you, Caitlin, for everything. But I don't want to know anything else." Dani stood up, walking off.

"I'm so sorry." Cheyanne apologized to Caitlin.

"It's okay. I get it." Caitlin stood up. "It was nice meeting you, Cheyanne."

"You too." Cheyanne smiled, walking Caitlin out.

* * *

Weeks had passed and Dani still hadn't told her family what Caitlin had said. She was too scared to.

Dani hadn't had any outbursts recently with her powers so she convinced herself that there was nothing to tell.

That is until one of Dani's colleagues pissed her off. It was a young intern who believed she was better than everyone else because her parents were rich. She had made some snide remark at Dani and the next thing she knew, a ball of energy flew out of her hand and through a window.

Finally, Dani gathered the courage to call her parents. They would meet tonight at her apartment. Even Zander would show up.

When the doorbell rang, Dani opened it to reveal both her parents and brother. She sat them down in her living room, explaining everything.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Zander looked up from the file folder Caitlin had left.

"It wasn't on purpose, Zander." Dani defended.

"Your dead?" Michael changed the subject.

"Kind of." Dani sighed.

"Where do you get all of this other energy from?" Marianne asked.

"I don't know." Dani shrugged. "Some mystery source that I don't want to know about."

"Why not?"

"Because, Mom, my life has literally turned into a sci-fi movie and I can't cope!" Dani yelled.

Marianne stood up. "Dani, you are a sweet, kind, caring, smart, and overall wonderful young woman. The universe would not have done this if it didn't think you were capable of coping."

"I don't fully understand what's wrong with me, you're dying, Barry's in a coma, and I can't control these powers," Dani admitted.

"Then we call Caitlin, and we go find ourselves an isolated place and we learn what we don't know."

"Your mother's right. We need to know if there's a way to fix you or help you gain control." Michael told Dani.

"Okay." Dani nodded. "I'll go call Caitlin."

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