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Dani shuffled around her apartment, trying her best to clean up before Eric arrived. She picked up dirty clothes, cleaned dirty dishes, and lit the few candles she owned.

She had only just finished when a knock came from the door. Dani opened it quickly, smiling at Eric.

"Hope you don't mind." He held up two bags of Big Belly Burger. "It was on my way and sounded really good."

"It's perfectly fine." Dani laughed, letting Eric in. "Just make yourself comfy on the couch. I'll get the wine."

"Okay." Eric nodded. He plopped down, checking out the living room. "So what movie were you thinking of watching?" He called.

"Don't laugh..." Dani trailed, walking out of the kitchen with a wine bottle and two glasses. "I was thinking we could watch Peter Pan."

Eric couldn't help but chuckle. "A Disney movie."

"Hey, Disney was a very important part of my childhood." Dani sat down next to Eric, placing the bottle and glasses on her coffee table. "And Peter Pan is my favorite movie of all time."

"I've never seen it," Eric admitted.

Dani's eyes widened. "Oh, we're definitely watching it now." She hopped up, opening the cabinets under her tv and pulling out the DVD, and sliding it into the DVD player. "Get ready to watch the best Disney movie ever."

"I'll be the judge of that." Eric smiled, wrapping an arm around Dani as she sunk down next to them. She pulled a throw blanket over their bodies, feeling happy and content.

* * *

The end credits rolled up the screen. Dani sat up, pouring her third glass of wine before looking at Eric expectantly.

"Well?" She asked.

"It's good." Eric nodded. "But I think Toy Story is better."

Dani's jaw dropped. "Toy Story? That movie is creepy!"

"How's it creepy?"

"The toys are alive!"


"So, after I saw that movie, I was afraid that all my toys were gonna kill me in my sleep so I started sleeping in the guest bedroom and once my brother found out, he moved them around when I wasn't looking," Dani explained.

"Damn. That's cruel." Eric said.

Dani shrugged. "Yeah, but I got my payback."

"Do I even want to know how?"

"I went shopping with his credit card," Dani admitted. "The debt was so high my dad made him start teaching at the gym to pay the money back."

"Remind me to never get on your bad side."

"Don't worry. I'd never do that to you." Dani leaned in, sharing a deep, passionate kiss with Eric that ended with her phone dinging. She pulled away with a groan, checking it.

Barry - Hartley escaped.

"I gotta go." Dani stood up abruptly.

"What?" Eric furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. It's work." Dani back toward her door. "I'll be back as fast as I can."

"Dani--" Eric was cut off by the front door slamming.

* * *

Dani teleported into the cortex just in time to see Barry speed away from Caitlin and Cheyanne.

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