The Flash's Debut

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Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs hours later with boxes full of CCPD case files.

"I've been going over unsolved cases from the past nine months, and there's been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people. Your meta-humans have been busy."

Caitlin looked down at the files around her, thinking of Dani. Cisco caught her, making a mental note to question her about her strange behavior.

"Now, I'm not blaming you." Barry continued. "I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know you all lost something. But I need your help to catch Mardon and anyone else out there like him. But I can't do it without you."

Caitlin looked to Cisco, unsure of what to say. Barry seemed intent on stopping every meta-human in Central City. What if he turned on Dani?

Cisco smiled. "If we're gonna do this, I have something that might help." He led them over to his workshop, turning around a tilted platform that held a red suit. "Something I've been playing with. Designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear. I thought if S.T.A.R. Labs could do something nice for the community maybe people wouldn't be so angry at Dr. Wells anymore."

"How is it going to help me?" Barry asked.

"It's made of a reinforced tri-polymer. It's heat and abrasive resistant, so it should withstand your moving at high-velocity speeds. And the aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. Plus it has built-in sensors so we can track your vitals and stay in contact with you from here." Cisco explained.

"Thanks," Barry said. "Now, how do we find Mardon?"

Caitlin stepped up. "I retasked S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over Central City. We just got a ping. Atmospheric pressure dropped twenty millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city."

Barry stepped in front of the red suit, smiling to himself. He was ready. He was going to take down Clyde Mardon.

* * *

By the time Barry had reached the farm, Mardon had started a tornado. And it was growing bigger and bigger with each passing second. 

"Barry, Barry. This thing's getting closer. Wind speeds are 200 miles per hour and increasing. Barry, can you hear me?" Cisco asked.

Barry tapped his earpiece. "Yeah. Loud and clear." He shouted.

"If it keeps up, this could become an F-5 tornado," Cisco warned.

"But its heading towards the city. How do I stop it? Guys." Barry didn't get an answer. His thoughts raced with possible solutions. A dangerous one came to mind. "What if I unravel it?"

"How the hell are you going to do that?" Caitlin questioned.

"I'll run around it in the opposite direction, cut off its legs," Barry stated.

"He'd have to clock 700 miles per hour to do that," Cisco told Caitlin.

"Your body may not be able to handle those speeds." She informed Barry. "You'll die."

"I have to try." Barry insisted. He glanced at Joe, who was leaning against his police car, before speeding off to unravel the tornado.

Cisco chuckled with pride. "The suit's holding up."

"But he's not." Caitlin pointed out.

"He can do it." Cisco nodded. "I know he can do it."

Barry ran around and around the tornado, gaining speed. Clyde" noticed his presence and used his powers to shove Barry to the side with a gust of wind. Barry went flying to the side.

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