16|Protecting You

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

Kayden's hand wrapped around my wrist tightly, pulling me back into the training room when I was just about to escape. "Can you not do anything stupid while I'm gone?" Kayden requested with an annoyed sigh.

"What do you mean?" I wondered and kept my eyes on his hand that still kept mine captive. "I'm leaving for a couple of hours, you've been a bit annoying these days so please don't do anything stupid," Kayden reveals. This takes an interest, finally. He's gone. Killian can come get me.

"I haven't-" The look in Kayden's eyes killed my words. "Don't. I've told you so many times, watch your smart mouth," Kayden warns and I remained silent. "Good. Now leave," he continues and finally dropped my hand. I wasted no time running up the stairs and slamming the door locked behind me.

For two minutes I paced the bedroom floor in contemplation of what I should do and at the end, I decided to should call Killian. Like always, I made sure all the doors were locked before hiding away in the closet.

"Killian, you can get me out today. Kayden wouldn't be home and it's perfect, please come get me. I think I can sneak out," I rambled off the second the phone stopped ringing and he picks up. There's silence for a bit and my happiness descended into disappointment.

"I-I can't get you out of there today," Killian breaks the news and I swore my heart shattered. It takes me seconds for that to sink in. What do I say to that? What does he mean? "What do you mean? This is a perfect opportunity, Killian. I'll get myself out of here with or without you," I continue to convince him though it doesn't seem to be working.

"You can't...you have to stay. I'm sorry, Alivia but I- you can't leave," Killian sighs his words. I never thought Killian would join the bandwagon that was keeping me at this hell hole. Anger flooded through my veins. He's a two faced bitch now. "Fuck you, Killian. I don't need your help," I cursed and attempted to end the call when his voice changes my mind.

"Look, just let me pick you up. We'll spend some time around town and then I'll drop you back," Killian suggested with hope. "That isn't good enough, Killian," my voice was soft and defeated.

"This is much bigger than both of us, Alivia. I don't know how I can convince you and I know it sounds crazy but Kayden is protecting you-" Killian continued to press his idea until I interrupted. "No, he isn't protecting me. He ruining me," I angrily corrected him. "No, he isn't. He's making you stronger," Killian fought back.

Once again, I'm silent. Yes, training nearly every day makes me stronger but I don't want to be stronger. I want to live my life in New York with Lily and Brandon. "I'm so sorry, Alivia. Recently, I found out some things that I can't tell you as yet. Trust me, please. Let's just spend some time together today, and have a good time," Killian breaks again.

I think hard about this and came up with the conclusion that maybe I can attempt to get more information from Killian today if I go out with him. "Okay fine," I sigh. "Thank you! I'll pick you up in thirty minutes at the back. There's a small green gate at the end of the garden that's always open," Killian revealed information he shouldn't know.

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