13|Meditating Not

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-K A Y D E N F R A Y-

"The daughter of Ruthless Claws, remember her when I'm gone, baby," Grace playfully says as she scattered her kisses on my neck

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"The daughter of Ruthless Claws, remember her when I'm gone, baby," Grace playfully says as she scattered her kisses on my neck.

I inhale sharply and nearly threw the laptop off the desk. My fists clench and unclench as I tried to remain calm. If only. If only I had paid more attention to what she was saying but Grace did this on purpose. She purposely told me this before fueling me with desire so that I would forget about it. The way she kissed me after, shutting me up from asking any questions should've been a red flag but I was so devoted.

So devoted that I blindly ignored it.

Now, Grace is gone and Alivia is the key.

A sigh leaves my lips as I stretched out my limbs in the confinements of the desk. The clock stared back at me, mocking me to go to bed. I finally gave in to my tiredness and walked to the bedroom I call mine. It doesn't feel like mine, it never did. It felt like something was missing. I still feel stressed out. With this whole Alivia thing pouring down on all the other problems I had built up.

All the enemies I had to deal with.

My hands lazily tugged at the shirt and I ripped it off my body. It drops to the floor and every article of clothing follows after. Soon my lower half was hidden by a towel as I made my way to the bathroom. I abandoned the towel on the door before slipping into the shower. The screeching noise of the tap cringed my ears as I turned on the shower. Hot water hit my face soothingly as it drizzled down my body. I could almost moan at how good it felt to be under the water like this.

At that thought, my hand wrapped around my length that was desperate for a release. My fingers shook as they slipped down to the base before pumping back to the tip. My thumb swipe across the tip like the girl did with her innocent hands so many times before. God, I miss her. Or do I?
To forget about Grace, I quickened my movements as I stroked myself now. My head rolls back against the tiled wall. "Fuck," I moaned louder than expected.

-A L I V I A  L E W I S-

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

My eyes snapped open at the moan that pulls me directly out of a dream. My fingers fisted the blanket, my chest rising and falling repeatedly and I wondered why my body was reacting like this? All sleepiness left my body, I could only concentrate on the dirty thought. "Ah, fuck," the voice comes again, then I finally concentrate to realize that the shower was running...and Kayden was in the shower moaning.

My filthy mind assumed the worst and that brought a pink tint to my cheeks. I screwed my eyes tightly and grabbed the other pillow to suffocate myself. Stop thinking about his dick, Alivia. He's meditating...not masturbating.

Yeah, that's it.

My throat suddenly felt dry, I needed a glass of water. Water brings me back to Kayden in the shower. Even if he wasn't, my mind can't seem to stop picturing his Greek godly body in the shower. His wet body. His wet naked body.

"Shit," I gasped and clenched my thighs together. No, I refuse to be turned on by a thought. Think about Brandon, Alivia. Think about Brandon. My mind runs back to the times where Brandon had his face buried between my thighs and suddenly I'm back there, in his apartment while the rain was pouring down on earth. Only when Brandon takes his head out of my thighs, I'm looking at the devious face with blue and green irises.

This isn't good, this isn't good at all.

Without thinking much about it, my fingertips slid down the middle of my smooth torso and slipped into the shorts that I wore.


I swore I tried my best to keep my eyes off his body while he fought Cole in the boxing ring. Tori sat beside me, cheering Kayden on and I swore they were torturing me. Last night changed the way how I look at Kayden and I hated it.

No, I cannot be attracted to him.

That's crazy, right?

It's only because of his body, I'm sure. We were sitting in their gym and apparently, it's a usual thing they do after a training session that two people fight in the boxing ring. Today, it was Cole and Kayden. Those two were possibly the two strongest in the circle so it had to be entranced with who would win.

Today, Kayden wore a black tank top and long track pants that fit him perfectly. He wore a cold expression to match the look, he barely had an ounce of kindness in him this morning and no one else seemed phased by that.

It made me sad how much control he had over them. I sat the entire time because of my injuries. At a point in time, Kayden called me lazy and demanded that I at least lifted weights when Ashley and Landon stuck up for me. Give her one more day and she'll participate, they said.

That made me scared.

I'm not ready to be like them.

I don't know if I should be grateful I'm treated somewhat nicely or not. Eventually, the boys gave up on trying to break each other down. Kayden stated he stopped the match because he had important places to be but at the back of my head I called it bullshit.

He cares about hurting Cole. I know it. Tori and I dropped down on the yoga mat. She finished chugging down the water bottle and turned to me with a smirk on her face. "What?" I questioned, already knowing she was brewing something in her head. The way the girls moved at training today had me so intrigued with how devoted they were to this. They were so strong, so powerful.

"Let's go shopping."


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