30|Celebratory Deals

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This was the dress used in the first HQOA and I remember being so in love with it, now not so much. But I think my past self would be disappointed so I chose to reuse it😂❤

Anyway, happy reading😬

-A L I V I A  L E W I S-

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

My eyelids slowly open and I'm hit with the brightness. "Fuck," I breathed out and turned the other side, my fingers already sliding into my hair to calm the tornadoes in my head.

However, I wasn't expecting Kayden Fray laying in my bed. Only then I noticed his hand around my waist. "Good morning," Kayden smiled and I'm reminded of how soft he can be in the morning. "What the fuck are you doing here," I blurted out and attempted to push him away.

That resulted in his grasp tightening and the headache increasing. "I said good morning," Kayden whispered, more sternly this time. I sighed and gave in. "Hi," I returned and shamelessly observed his body. Kayden was shirtless unlike me, I was fully dressed. I remember nothing important from last night and that makes me scared.

So why aren't I being paranoid?

"Don't look at me like that, Alivia," Kayden pouted and tilts my head away so I could stop looking at his torso. "Why not?" I asked curiously. Kayden looks at me as if it's something I should already know. "Because as much as I want you, you cannot want me," he whispers.

No, I cannot let him think that I want him. Because I don't. That's Stockholm something, whatever they call it. "You're delusional, I want nothing to do with you," I flatly say and got off the bed. I enter the bathroom, thankful to get rid of that situation.

I don't want him.

He's an asshole.

Kayden looks at me through the mirror as I brushed my teeth. I turn away and focus on the running water until I was finished. "I have an offer," Kayden spoke. My eyes met his as I turned around why drying my hands. "And that is?" I curiously asked. Kayden stepped further into the bathroom, almost too close to me.

"My family is hosting this gala. It's the one night all the deadliest people would be under one roof. Happens once in three years and we need to be there," Kayden introduced. I nod my head, already aware of this. My father loved attending those parties. "Why do I need to be there?" I asked.

"Well firstly, I think you would like the whole princessy vibe. Secondly, your family would be there and thirdly, I'd like to show my mother that I'm still not depressed over Grace," Kayden shrugged his shoulders. I nod my head, trying to ignore that he wants me to see my family after so long. "Of course...what is in it for me?" I wondered, remembering this was an offer.

Kayden rolls his eyes and shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. "One day with your brothers...for your birthday," he sighs. My lips parted in shock. How does he know my birthday is tomorrow? Then again, he knows everything about me because he did dirty research and he has my father at his fingertips.

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