37|Avocado The Cat

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"I'll be here with your brothers in a couple of weeks alright? We just have-" Cole begins to say seconds before I walked on the plane

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"I'll be here with your brothers in a couple of weeks alright? We just have-" Cole begins to say seconds before I walked on the plane. I've been dreading his moment. When our interaction in the kitchen settled in and I accepted reality, it all felt like a mistake. It's actually happening, I'm going home with my two suitcases packed. Caylix left everything for Cole to do, I haven't said goodbye to anyone besides my brothers on the phone.

Mom...she wasn't able to but I'll call her on the plane. As for the rest of the circle, I'm not sure how I feel about them. Cole assured me multiple times in the car that he didn't know who my blood father is. When I asked if he knew the man, Cole remained silent.

"Somethings to take care of, I'm aware. Tell them to call me and I'll see you soon," I finished for Cole, and instead of walking onto the plane, I hugged him. Cole wrapped his muscular arms around my shoulders. "I'll miss you, you're like the little sister I never had," Cole revealed softly with a saddened tone.

"Avocado, your mother is home!" Lily cheered and sprinted to me from the second I stepped foot in our apartment. Midway to hug me, she froze and her happy eyes shifted to a glare. I know that look, she forgot that I abandoned her for months.

"Lils, I can explain," I started. She remains quiet for me to continue. "I was actually kidnapped and four hot guys and became friends with three gorgeous girls," I smiled, no point in sugarcoating it. "Yeah, right," she joked with a laugh. Now I realize how funny this all would sound to someone who knows nothing about the mafia world. "I haven't seen Brandon in a month, saw him around campus but I've been busy," Lily shrugged her shoulders and pulls me into a tight hug nevertheless.

"I fucked up everything when he visited. I know I have a lot of explaining to you and I will but first, I have some unpacking to do and I really want to shower," I pleaded with her. "Of course. No rush, I understand how family can be," Lily shrugged and happily takes the small bag off my shoulder. "You know, I thought you'd be more pissed," I say truthfully.

Lily's lips tugged into a smile and she walks to the sofa in our small living room. My eyes widened when I saw the white cat licking its fur on my couch. "Oh, that's because I used your student's credit card to buy a cat. Her name is Avocado," she grins, looking at the cat with adoration.

"She's a rescue. Her previous owner spray painted her green and the parents threw her out because she thought she was sick or something, don't know but they caught her tangled in a wire trying to get food," Lily continues and I can tell that she loves Avocado very much.

"This is what I get for going off the radar," I sighed and rolled the two suitcases behind me. "Yup. Now hurry along, you smell like airplane," she scrunched her nose and pushed me into the room. I showed her my favorite finger before locking the door behind me. Utterly strange it felt to see my bedroom.

Cautiously, I looked around and it felt empty. I felt empty. The quicker I get things done, the quicker Lily can persuade me to go to the bar. I pulled my huge suitcase on the bed and left the smaller one on the floor. When I unzipped the cover and opened the suitcase, a gasp left my lips.

There was one of Kayden's bow with a quiver of arrows. Below that was an envelope with my name on it. I hesitantly placed the bow and arrows away from the paper, still shocked to see it there. My hands shake as I opened the paper.

Dear Alivia,

I don't think I ever told you that I loved your name. It's so unique and I've never heard of that name before I had someone looked into your family. That's beside the point. I'm not one to accept defeat but when you walked into the kitchen and threw those papers at me, I knew I couldn't hold you back any longer. I said I didn't want you to slip through my fingers when you already did since you left my parent's house.

Every human in your place would want answers but you need to get out of this drama I forced you into. The answers you want isn't worth it, I'm protecting you from unnecessary things that are worse than me. Even though you're not here, I will protect you. The circle didn't know about Marakai being your father, Grace told me at the club. They only what was best for you and they never did anything wrong unlike me.

The six of them were ruthless people that scared me sometimes. They were a threat to me so I got better than them. But they got soft for you. I'm a terrible person, I know but I never meant to hurt or use you. That's another story for another day. I'm sorry that I didn't cherish the time we had together because you are truly an amazing person to be around and you left those guys with something to be sad about.

I understand that I cannot have you if my life is a mess and unfortunately, I cannot get out of this as easily as you. I hope our paths will collide again because I've become so attached to you, it hurts me to know you're leaving. As a forgiveness gift, I give you the bow that attracted you in the basement and my least destructive arrows. Use them well. Please accept the car, it should be downstairs about now. There is no way to give me it back. Use it well.

With apologies,
Caylix Fray.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that I was standing there for hours reading his letter over and over. This was his closure and why do I regret leaving already? I shouldn't. I need answers but this letter proves that I would never get them because answers drag me deeper into Caylix's family drama.

I bite my lip hard to prevent myself from crying out loud as I fall to my knees and soon I was cradling my knees to my chest. Part of me wanted to tear the paper into tiny pieces yet the other half of me wants to treasure it for life. I'm a mess and it's only been a couple of hours.

How can I ever move on from this?

How can I ever move on from this?

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