40|Explore Tattoos

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

At eight in the morning, my alarm wakes me up

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At eight in the morning, my alarm wakes me up. I was quick to turn it off to stop the annoying sound and in the process, I managed to awaken the man beside me.


His hand was tightly wrapped around my waist as my back was pressed on the mattress. His head was snuggled into my neck and one leg was thrown over my body. I don't think I ever woke up in this position before. I couldn't stop the stupid grin from forming on my face.

"Caylix," I whispered while softly raking my fingers through his soft hair. Not knowing why I did that but that doesn't stop me. "Hm," he hummed in reply and shifted a bit. The grip around my waist only got tighter. "Would your boyfriend mind if he sees us like this?" Caylix assumed, his eyes still shut.

"I was actually wondering the same about your girlfriend," I played along and his eyes open. I could still notice that he was still sleepy which I found adorable. After everything, he still makes me feel fuzzy. "The only girl who I wanted to have that title is you," Caylix whispers without hesitation.

Why would he tell me something like that?

This shouldn't be happening. I moved my hand from his hair and tried to get off the bed all at once. Caylix rolled onto his back to reveal his pout. "I was sleeping," he frowned deeper. I ignore him, probably because I was flustered. Instead, I grabbed a new toothbrush and threw it at him before walking into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I came out, he was off the bed waiting for me with his shirt back on. "I'll see you outside," I mumbled before walking outside. I got started on the coffee. A necessity every morning. I can't believe I woke up cuddling with Caylix. I can't believe he's here, after three years. There are more important things than my resurfacing feelings, like Cole and my brother.

In the middle of my thoughts, Caylix walked into the kitchen and sat on the island. He made himself very comfortable in my kitchen. "I didn't think you would ever get a tattoo," his eyes stared at the one on my neck and the one on my hand.

"I have a lot," I admitted. Since then, I became very interested in tattoos. I've changed a lot and I can't consider myself innocent anymore. "Oh yeah? Tell me about them, I wanna know," Caylix reveals and I eyed him weirdly. He seriously was curious. He didn't seem as if he was playing.

I sighed before speaking. "I got this one when I killed a man. It was self defense and I guess I walked into the trap because I met with him to find out stuff about Marakai. When it happened I went home and did more research on the man I killed to make sure he deserved to be dead. I have his file if you wanna see it but he deserved it. I'm over it though," I showed him the tattoo on my wrist. The tattoo is something cute and doesn't relate to what happened but that's what pushed me to get one.

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