21|That Witch

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-K A Y D E N F R A Y-

I kept scrubbing my bloody hands that killed Hansen for a full ten minutes

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I kept scrubbing my bloody hands that killed Hansen for a full ten minutes. Why was it so hard to accept that I killed the man? Well, I knew that answer. It's because I started taking the medication again and it made me saner. More normal.

This is what they wanted from me? To feel guilty about what I'm good at? Alivia said no words for the rest of the night. She walked to her room with my jacket around her shoulders as she hugged her body tightly. This makes me regret saying about the mission in front of her even more. How was she so good at faking it with Hansen when now she operates as if she's traumatized?

I dried my hands and left the towel there. My feet took me to the bar and I grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the many bottles we had and a glass. I sat in the silence consumed by darkness. None of this makes any sense. I can never win. Why did Grace have to do this to me? It's all her fault.

Everyone says that when you're dealing with a death, eventually there's anger for them. I'm definitely at that phase and now I'm realizing how many things Grace did to make me angry. Now there's Alivia. Instead of that permanent seductive look that draws you in, Alivia has the face of innocence that somehow makes you want to do bad things.

No one said that getting into this life was going to be so complicated. My attention pulled on something else as she walked in. Her high heels tocked against the wooden floor and I don't look at her as she sat down beside me and helped herself to a drink.

"You were right," Tori whispered, circulating the cup in her hand. "You hesitated today," Tori continued. She noticed. I'm sure they all noticed. "I know," I confirmed and took another sip of the delicious drink that successfully numbed me slightly. "You hesitated. This isn't what brought you to the top, Kay," Tori whispered.

She was so wrong. They put me here and told me this is what I wanted. That's when I had to do the thing I hated in order to save that man. "I didn't get myself to the top remember? He did it for me, he forced me here," I reminded Tori and she looks at me for the first time.

"You did say you wanted to get out of that mad house," she remembered and arched her eyebrow suggestively. "It's called a rehabilitation center and everyone there wants to leave and regrets it when they finally do unless your...cured," I snapped.

Tori's eyes softened. She reaches out to touch my cheek. "You're such a sweet boy, Kay. You don't deserve this, you're heart is made to love not to kill. But love isn't what we need to get him back," Tori whispered before her cold hands fell from my cheek.

I loved that witch so much. She ruined me. It's so hard to believe that she's Cassy's sister. The circle. They didn't want me cured. They wanted me broken and angry at the world just like he was. But now they want me cured? So I stop hurting the girl that brings him home?

We need to bring him home.

I don't want to pretend anymore. But Alivia is the key to it all.

What do they want from me? How much longer do I have to pretend? I don't want to be him. "You can do this without me," I softly say and poured myself another glass. I'm feeling emotions that I buried too much. "Probably but the threats, the questions, everything. It's too much. You know you want to be here," Tori replied and I silence was my response.

"Kay, We can't bring him home if you're hesitating on pulling a trigger. They have him, and they're much worse than Beckham. Would you hesitate there too?" Tori assumed.

I gripped the glass tightly in my hand, waiting for it to shatter in my hand at any moment. "I won't again. I promise," I muttered. Tori smiled and pulls my hands away. Instead, she hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head. Not long after, her touch was gone and I was left in the darkness alone.

How do I be Kayden but keep Alivia safe at the same time?

How do I be Kayden but keep Alivia safe at the same time?

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Short chapter, I know. This is supposed to be confusing but don't worry, you'll realize the meaning of everything as the story progresses:)

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