8|Burning Ropes

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

Something wet splashed on my face causing me to wake up

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Something wet splashed on my face causing me to wake up. It took me a while for me to open my eyes fully because the light was too bright for my eyes.


Suddenly, the sunlight was replaced by a familiar face. "Morning sunshine," I look up at the manly body as I studied his features. Kerry...only I've met him before. His real eyes were blue and green, like the ones I saw in the cafe that day because he's the guy I bumped into. That's why he was so familiar in the alley. Kerry's eyes were brown that day, contacts I assumed. "Let me go you asshat!" I spat and attempted to pull my hands out of the burning ropes but that didn't work out. It only hurt more.

I was sitting on a chair, in the middle of the open spaced room with no decor but a table filled with materials. Besides that, the room was painted a pretty color of cream white. "Don't try that love, you'll only hurt yourself more," A girl sighed as she entered the room, her white high heels tocking against the floor.

Fucking christ.

"Claire...." I whispered in my shock state. The girl who I helped at the back of the cafe who was being pinned down by the man...here she stood. "Oh honey, I'm sorry," she smiled which told me she wasn't necessarily honest.

"Oh don't say that," Kerry rolled his eyes and the smirk reappeared on his lips. "Don't call the girl love, baby," another male walked into the room with a pout on his face and his eyes glued on Claire. "Poor child, Claire isn't even her name," he snickered. It's surprising. Definitely surprising. "This has to be some kind of joke," I gathered as I tried to process that this is the man that was trying to get into her pants. This was all an act...they knew who I was. They took advantage of my kindness...why?

To the sides of the room, there were two staircases that I assume connects to one midway. It was stomach churning when the man pressed a kiss to Claire's forehead. "Yeah...it really is," Kerry laughed. I tried moving my shoulders but the ropes were too tight on me and I would have tried to loosen them but pain bolted to my stomach where I was shot.

Getting shot in the belly is deadly so how the fuck was I alive right now? I looked down to see if I could see how bad of shape I was in. The white jersey I was wearing under my leather jacket was almost red towards my waist. Before my jacket was zipped up so now I was thankful that it wasn't.

"Ashley is becoming a pain, Kay. It's annoying," another huffed as he entered the room. My face paled at the tattooed police officer from the forest with Killian. No fucking way. All of was a joke. Did he just say Ashley? "Ashley...no, no. She wouldn't," I shook my head in denial, tears already streaming down my face. "Oh...the princess is awake, you're welcome for the stitches by the way," the officer grinned as he leaned against the wall.

Kerry grabbed my jaw and forced me to look up at him. "That exactly. Ashley couldn't, who knew heartless Ash would have a soft spot for law breaker Alivia," he chuckled wickedly. She's part of this. Ashley is part of this. "If it makes you feel any better she didn't want this to happen but as you probably alright know, Silver Arrow gets what Silver Arrow wants," Claire acknowledges at the side of my eye.

"Where're my brothers..." I whimpered out, trying my best to hold myself together in front of him. Kerry rolled his eyes and sighed out hard through his nostrils. "Brother dearest can't help you, Killian that is. Kieron is back to your father like promised," said Kerry.

Like promised.

"None of this doesn't make any sense! You all bloody messed with me for what? I'm innocent in all of this, I did nothing to be chained up like this! You fucking shot me, you idiots!" My walls crashed down hard and I spiraled. My words were cut when his hand collided with my cheek, hard. Which made my head whip to the other side, my left cheek now burning as if it was on fire.

He slapped me.

"You hit me..." I whimpered through the tears. As it rolled down my left cheek, it stung. Anger entered his eyes without a trace of calmness left. "Jace," he called over to the guy standing next to him. The one who was harassing Claire. Jace's eyes consumed with nervousness, so were his movements since he failed to do what Kerry asked him to do.

"Boss, she seems nice," Jace hesitates and the grinch glared at him causing him to step up. "I'm going to regret this," he sighed and before I knew it, my chair was pushed back at the harsh force. A scream left my lips when Jace punched my stomach. It hurt like a bitch. I realized more red was consuming the jersey as my blood left my skin layer.

"The fucking stitches you asshat!" The officer scolded and attempted to run over to me when the two girls held him back and then his eyes cast on Kerry. The room goes silent, I tried my best to hold in my sobs. I just wanted to die. Why didn't I die? Everything would've been so much better. Kerry knelt in front of me," don't move away from me, or else," he warned. I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek, nothing new.

"Pathetic," he barked in my face and I closed my eyes, "Boss If you want her to trust her you can't say those things," the girl who was in Jace's arms, spoke up. "Shut up, Cassy," he spat. "You're lucky I'm being generous enough to give you your answers. Now where the fuck do we begin?" Kerry turned back to me without a trace of guilt.

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