22|Whiskey Shards

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"I said hit fucking harder, Alivia!!" Kayden screamed at me the loudest he's ever

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"I said hit fucking harder, Alivia!!" Kayden screamed at me the loudest he's ever. My jaw clenched and I gathered all of the energy and ability I had and my chuckles collided hard with Kayden's face. Kayden stumbled back, his head thrown back at the impact.

"Son of a gun," he groans and glares at me while the blood trickles down his neck. There was a small cut on his cheek surrounded by a rough circle of red. My knuckles felt like they were broken. Keep up the tough act, Alivia. "Bad bitch," Cassy cheered. The look in Kayden's eyes forces the smile off my face. "You..." his words died yet that one word was enough to make the hairs on my hand stand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," I whispered.

Kayden's body visibly stopped motion, his beautiful eyes told stories I couldn't translate as they looked at me deeply. The tight jaw relaxed and the anger in his eyes easily faded away. "Kayden!" Tori shouts and our heads snapped to her. She wore a displeased look, her eyes shifted into a glare that made Kayden remember. "Right. Um training over, later we're going outside for um...the thing," Kayden attempted to stay on point but instead, he failed and walked out of the room.

"He's blowing it," Tori spoke first. Everyone sort of remained silent, I did because I was confused but the others seemed to know what she's referring to. I was the last to leave, wondering why it was so hard for me to move. My hand was throbbing so eventually I walked into the kitchen for ice. Lazily, I numbed my hand with an icepack before returning to the shower naked.

My body relaxes under the water that never fails to burn my skin with welcomed pleasure. I lose myself for a second, my mind running elsewhere while my hands ran through my hair, running down my body, until the loud knocking pulls me away.

"Alivia!" Kayden screamed, his fists pounding at his door that I locked to prevent him from entering the bathroom. My heart raced and I turned off the tap before rushing out of the shower with a towel tightly wrapped around my body. I unlocked the door and attempted to bolt off the bathroom when he throws the door open and spun me around by his hand tightly around mine. Kayden's raging eyes dipped down my body where the water dripping down my chest meets the white towel.

"Don't lock my door," he grunted and his eyes snapped to mine. The doors had two locks. If one of them is locked the door cannot open. Why is he pissed when I lock it every time? I usually lock his door when I'm using the bathroom or showering. "Okay," I breathed out nevertheless. Kayden drops my hand and I take it as an okay to leave so that's what I did.

I take a second to pull myself together. Of course, I'm thrown out of my messy thoughts when someone else knocked on my bedroom door. "Yes?" I called and the knocking stops. "Movie day starts in ten," Tori announces and I thought to myself that it doesn't sound bad. "I'll be there," I replied and she leaves. I quickly change my clothes into a tank top and sweatpants before strolling into the living room.

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