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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"They're at the warehouse!" Killian ran into the living room screaming

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"They're at the warehouse!" Killian ran into the living room screaming. My father followed next, the cold look on his face never leaves. "What warehouse?" I wondered and immediately rose to my feet at the sense of seriousness. "It was a chemistry lab at some point, then they changed it to make these illegal drinks with drugs- it's complicated. But it burnt down and now dad got word that they're taking Kie there," Killian rambled off.

"Well let's go," I bluntly stated and ran into the weapons room where our outfits for tonight were. Badass. That's the first thought that pops into my head when I saw my all black leather outfit and black combat boots. "We leave in ten minutes," my father decided and we got dressed pretty quickly. After strapping myself up with the necessities, the fear of tonight starts to sink in when I'm combing my hair back.

Within thirty minutes, six of us that we're in the van now stood in front of the run-down warehouse. The building looked as if it was haunted and was about to collapse and minute. Even though it was night, I could tell all the walls weren't painted and had turned black or grey. Even vines were growing over them. From the outside, you could tell there were holes in the ceiling and cracks in the walls. I was terrified but tried my best to keep up the tough act.

Killian's eyes caught mine again, we were side by side but it was hard since we had to be extra cautious. "It's gonna be alright, just stick with me, don't hesitate to fight back," he assured me within whispering. My father huffed behind us and pushed our shoulders, making us stumble ahead. Yet we ignored it and kept walking further into the creepy building.

I remained in the center of the empty room filled me broken windows and cobwebs. Killian and Josh were at my sides. "Just like we trained," Josh nods his head to me, he's the one that forced all of the unnecessary laziness out of me during training. I glanced down at his hand to see him clenching the knife around his belt. Gripping my bow as we heard movements, the entire crew took our stance.

A body emerged from it and I could only see the shadow. Next, the body is divided into three and then into six. Three were girls and the other three were boys. They looked intimidating as fuck. I gulped hard at the notice of how confident they walked, their heads held high and shoulders back. Mixed emotions, that's what was swimming through me. Kieron. Where is he?

Happy death day to me.

Silver Arrow. He's here. Holy fuck. The man stood opposite me in the distance, his weapon was the same as mine. I couldn't see any of their faces because of the fog and darkness. My hands started to shake...this isn't gonna end well. "Well well well, isn't this a surprise," a voice sang. The hairs on my hands under the long sleeve I was wearing stood in a shiver. "Where is he?" Killian spat loudly.

"Now," a deep voice growled and then the gunshots fired. It was overpowering, barely allowing me to hear anything else. I pulled out arrows from the quiver that was slung on my body to stay on my back. "Hold him back!" My father shouts and three men tackled Kieron just as I was about to release the arrow. That captured my attention, it wasn't my plan to get distracted, I'm not used to this kind of lifestyle. This wasn't the plan either, what is my father doing?

"What the fuck? Let him go!" I screamed and attempted to go to him when a bullet zoomed past my face. It was so close to taking my nose off. "Dad!" I screamed as he punched Killian across the face. How can I even call this man my father? Confused. I felt confused. None of the bullets hit us as they walked closer and closer but that didn't stop them from firing. This led me to believe that they intentionally missed us. There were only six of us and six of them.

"Don't come any closer," I warned and kept changing the aim of my arrow to each of their heads. The man laughed as they circled me, and only me. The faces I saw. Such familiar faces, but how?

What's going on?

"So Alivia, Did your daddy tell you about the plan?" The man wondered and that's when I let go of the arrow. Silver Arrow caught the arrow right in front of his eyes. Fuck. "Alivia, run!" Killian managed to shout to me but I couldn't. They were circling me with weapons of death in their hands and strapped on their bodies. "You bitch," he snarled. Suddenly, the bullet more through my stomach and I fell to my knees, the bow slipped out of my hand in slow motion. The screaming, the ringing, it was a terrible mixture.

My eyes blurred but the final thing all I could see were blue and green eyes staring back at me.

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