11| Eggs and Pancakes

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-K A Y D E N F R A Y-

"Where is she?" Ashley bluntly asked as I stepped into the kitchen

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"Where is she?" Ashley bluntly asked as I stepped into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at her and headed towards the coffee where I poured myself a cup. "Where is she, Kayden?" Ashley repeated. Cole grabbed her arm back, stopping her from approaching me. "She's upstairs. Should be here soon," I sighed and took my first sip.

It was alright.

Not better than bourbon but it would have to do.

"How the fuck do you expect her to be here with an injured leg? Or did you forget that you stabbed her with an arrow?" Ashley snapped, her eyes thinning as she glared at me. My eyes swat to the rest of them sitting on the counter with guilty faces, they told her. Of course. Then I finally realized what she said, fuck. I'm stupid.

I groaned, my fingers tugged through my hair out of frustration. "She needs lots of rest, don't try to say a wheelchair or some shit," Landon spoke up. I bet he's real happy he gets to play doctor. "That's too dramatic," I mumbled about the wheelchair thing.

"You're right...can someone get her something to eat? I really don't think she wants to see me again right now and we can't have her starving," I mumbled the last part softer, remembering the events that happened only minutes ago. "I will!" Ashley was the first to offer. She'd also be the first to help her escape.

That cannot happen.

"No. Cas, you do it."

-A L I V I A  L E W I S-

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

Ten minutes later, the door opened, and surprisingly, Claire- Cassy walked in with a rectangular box in her hand. Followed behind her was Landon. The corners of his lips tugged up into a smile. "Glad to see you awake," he says and used the side of his foot to shut the door. In his hand was a tray with deliciously smelling food and two glasses. One with milk and the other with juice.

"Oh thank you," I say as he placed the tray on the table. I was beginning to think I might have to starve. Cassy placed the basket on the bed, unfortunately, I'd have to stretch to see what's inside so I decided against my curiosity. When Cassy looked at me again, I could only see the nervousness and guilt written in her eyes.

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