31|He Did It

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"I'm gonna meet with Cole alright? Find me before you leave!" Kieron tells me before he walks away eagerly to meet his boyfriend at their secret location

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"I'm gonna meet with Cole alright? Find me before you leave!" Kieron tells me before he walks away eagerly to meet his boyfriend at their secret location. My father is here and that means they can't be open. I haven't seen him yet and I'll be avoiding him at all costs.

Killian isn't here, he had some work to do for dad since he had to be here. I was looking forward to making plans with him for tomorrow but I'll figure it out with Kieron. It had make two hours since my mother and I spoke in the gardens. I had my guard up, I didn't trust her completely.

She told me she missed me and she had nothing to do with it. That part I believed because I knew it was my father's doing. Mother was worried to know the answer to if I was safe or not. She was very relieved to know they weren't treating me like they did with Kieron. What I couldn't stop thinking about though was the way I walked back to Kayden.

I didn't ask her to sneak me away, I didn't run away, I didn't even attempt it. That fucking scared me. "Please know that I'm only asking this because you look bored and depressed as fuck," Kayden brings me out of paranoia. We were the only ones left on the table. He's been keeping to himself since I returned and his father was walking away.

Now that I think about it, no one dared to meet with Kayden. I suspected people would've been excited to speak with him. Since this is his parent's gala party thing. "Continue," I encouraged. Kayden stood to his full length in front of me and held his right hand out. "Will you dance with me, Alivia Lewis?" Kayden finally says.

"Only because I'm bored and depressed looking," I recalled his words from seconds ago and placed my polished green fingers on his hand. Kayden rolls his brown eyes, contacts again. Mostly in the public eye, he wears them or something like that.


Now, Kayden's hands are above my hips, pulling me closer now and then. Mine around his neck and I couldn't help myself from playing with the hair at the back of his head. I thank the heels I wore for making it possible. I'm happy we weren't alone on the dance floor. The other people around us dancing to the light music actually seemed to be enjoying this crap.

"What do you think of it so far?" Kayden asked. "It's the thing you stay at an hour for because you get bored easily. And I feel like any second someone is going to attack me so there's that," I don't hold back from saying the truth. "I'm surprised you didn't try to escape," Kayden acknowledged. Me and you both, buddy.

"It's too easy. You would've dragged me back here. My escape plan needs to be a grand one," I chose to say. I didn't have one. "Speaking of that, tomorrow Cole will be joining you and your brothers," Kayden reveals and I groaned. Great, they're going to be showing off their relationship shit and I'll feel extra single and unloved.

"Or would you rather I tag along?" Kayden whispers and his body pressed closer to mine, less professional than one would say. I look away from him, avoiding his eyes.

I thank myself for doing so because only then I noticed my father approaching us, his eyes locked on me. This was my first time seeing him since the ambush and all I want to do is send an arrow through his eyes. He's coming here and he's in public, I'll be forced to speak to him.

"What's wrong?" Kayden asks, realizing that my mood has changed. "Where is the restroom?" I ask. "Behind the stage, why?" That's too far, dad would catch me before I make it. I groaned and rest my forehead on his shoulder, my hand on Kayden becomes tight.

"My father is coming this way- I can't," I breathed out. Kayden relaxes, assuming this wasn't a big deal. "Yes you could-" he begins to say. "No, I fucking can't. He's- I'm not ready for this," I rambled off, my eyes looking at my father as he gets closer and closer.

"I'll tell him to fuck off, you're safe with me," Kayden assures me, his hand removed from my waist to hold my face close to his. My eyes fall to his lips and suddenly the world stops. Of course, that would be a perfect idea. I'm going to fucking regret it but I will never be forced to forgive my father.

"Kiss me," I ordered breathlessly, while I watch my father move through the dancing couples. "What?" Kayden questioned as his eyebrows knitted together. He's too close now. "My father is coming and I need you to kiss me. Or I swear I won't talk to you for-" I repeated before Kayden shuts me up.

He did it.

His lips crashed down on mine and I kiss back right away for the sake of my father not coming here. Kayden's head dipped down so that the kiss is deepened and it was a mistake. I didn't believe in sparks, I just left it for the movies. But here, Kayden Fray proved me wrong. Was it too cliche to say it was like electricity? But that would be painful whereas this is a pleasure. My whole body began to heat up, his other hand trailed up my dress, and when the cup my cheek, I was on fire.

I pulled away because it was too much to handle, that feeling. I can't contain myself surrounded by all these people and I'm not into PDA. So much more, I wanted. I check and my father is now sitting down next to my mother, looking at me but I don't stare for too long. My head returns to his shoulder while I steady my breath. Kayden's hand goes back to my waist and tightens around me as we pretended that didn't happen.

I'm royally fucked. I forced Kayden to kiss me and I fucking loved it.

Holy shit, I'm in trouble.

Holy shit, I'm in trouble

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