34|Pizza Paid

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I bet you probably don't remember giving me this idea as well, but thank you♡ rphendren527

I bet you probably don't remember giving me this idea as well, but thank you♡  rphendren527

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

I stumble into the mansion with my head aching. "Fuck," I cursed when the suitcase opens on the ground where I threw it but I couldn't care. Cole just dropped me off after seeing Brandon leave at the airport. I needed to clean my tattoo and get to bed but I hoped to speak to Kayden also.

Right on time, the man himself walks out from the bedroom and looks at me from upstairs. "Kayden," I smiled as he walked down. His jaw was fixed, his eyes glaring with me and his hands rolled into fists.

"Where's everyone?" I asked, looking around to see the place empty as expected. This house was never quiet at the time. "Out," Kayden spat. I rolled my eyes," stop it, please. He's just a friend!" I defended. Kayden turns around, his eyes narrowing. "Did you kiss him? Since you left me, did you kiss him?" He interrogated, not holding back his question.

You left me.

I look down in guilt, of course, I kissed him but it wasn't like kissing him. "Exactly," Kayden scoffed and walked into the kitchen. I follow him helplessly. "Kay we need to talk. Something happened and-" I began to say. Kayden turns around with angry eyes. "You kissed him! Who knows, maybe you fucked him too. I want nothing to do with you," Kayden angrily scowled at me, his words felt like venom to the chest.

No, I'm not obligated to tell him anything. "And what if I didn't kiss him? I don't have feelings for him, Kayden," I questioned. Kayden rolls his eyes at me in annoyance. "You made the wrong choice, that's all I have to say," Kayden dismissed and turns away from me, making his way upstairs.

"Whatever. I'm ordering pizza," I sighed. Kayden continues to stomp up the stairs. True to my words I pulled out my phone and called Pizza Plus. I didn't know this address but I knew directions. After placing the order I used the tablet on the kitchen counter to send a message to the security letting them know about the pizza guy coming soon. While I wait, I walked into the bar with only one drink in mind.

Oh, wine. I'm twenty, and didn't get alcohol yet for my birthday. I grabbed the bottle as well as a fancy champagne glass. After my second glass, I started to feel tipsy but the pizza wasn't here yet, Kayden was still upset so I kept drinking until the bottle was almost done and the pizza was finally here.

There was a car honk followed by a knock on the door sections later that dragged me away from the bottle. I stumbled to the front door, having trouble walking. I flung open the door and was met with a seventeen year old holding my box of pizza in his hand. Ha-Ha, I'm twenty! In your face, pizza dude!

I lick my lips and took the pizza off his hands. The cheese, it smelt so chicken good. See what I did there? I'm a comedian. "Hey, ma'am you need to pay for the pizza!" The fella shouts as the door shuts in his face. I placed the pizza on the table and huffed came to the conclusion that I didn't have any money.

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