14|I promise

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

The messages and calls Lily left on my phone ruined me

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The messages and calls Lily left on my phone ruined me. She's my best friend. The most real person I had and I left her in New York without a proper goodbye. She must be so worried. It was about time I responded or something. I figured calling was the better route. So I locked all the doors and made sure everyone else was busied doing something. I lied I was going to shower which eliminated Kayden dropping by easily.

After contemplating for a strong minute I finally pressed call and put the phone to my ear. After the second ring, she picks up. "You fucking hoe!" She screamed into the phone so loud that I winced. "Sh," I hissed and checked one more time to make sure the door was locked. I sat down on the floor and only after I realized I could've sat on the bed or chair.

Whatever, I'm too lazy to get up.

"Don't tell me to hush you, idiot. I thought you ghosted me or some shit. You leave a note that you're leaving- a fucking note- and then ignores all my messages and phone calls. Who are you?" She scolded me. I sighed and gave myself a couple of seconds to think about a reply.

"Something came up. I know I suck for disappearing but it was important, I promise. To be honest, right now I don't have control over my life," I mumbled the last part softer as my fingers drew circles on the fluffy mat. "Oh, baby. Are you okay?" She sincerely says. I didn't mean to sound so depressing. I can imagine the frown on her face right now.

"It doesn't matter, Lils. I'm safe and that's the main thing. I'll talk to you when I can alright? I'm really sorry about this," I rambled off. I picture her nodding her head and looking in the distance as she thought. "Okay, please promise me you'll be back," she hoped.

"I-I can't," I clenched out. I'm sure I'll be dead before the year ends. "Alivia," she warned silently. "Anywho, how's Brandon? He isn't returning my calls," I change the topic and she sighed over the phone. "Upset. You need to get here to fix it. You messed up," she continued.

This worries me even more. Brandon is stubborn. Phone calls wouldn't work for him. My fingers raked through my hair slightly. "Okay," I simply say and pretended for a second that everything was fine when in reality my whole world was falling apart. "I love you, Alivia. Come back home. You know you don't belong there," she reminded me.

She's my best friend and my therapist. Not literally though. She doesn't know about the gang stuff for her own safety and mine because I left that behind when I went to New York. Here I am, unbottling new wounds and living in them. "Okay," I repeated.

"Alivia!" Kayden screamed and I jolt off the floor as if I was sitting on electricity. "Who was that? Are you cheating o-" Lily doesn't get to finish her sentence because I end the call and threw the phone into the small basket I had filled with pads and tampons. "What!?" I ran to the door and quickly opened it to reveal an angry Kayden Fray. He immediately pushed past me and stomped into the bedroom.

"Who were you talking to? I told you to leave the god damn bathroom door open!" Kayden scolded with fists at his side as he scanned the bedroom. He walked into the closet and bathroom, he pulled off my blanket, and opened the drawers of the tables beside the bed all while I was trying to convince him I was talking to myself.

"How could you be talking to yourself, Alivia! You're not insane. Who were you speaking to? Did you sneak in a phone or something?" He snapped, lifting the pillows to see what was under them. Under one of the pillows was a book. Thank god. "People read out loud sometimes while they read you, idiot! How do you expect me to trust you when you pull shit like this," I snapped.

His jaw clenched, the veins on the side of his forehead curved the smooth skin. He lifted his hand and I swore he was about to punch me or something so naturally, I jerked back. My eyes blinked open and Kayden was completely different. His eyes were calmer with hints of guilt, his furrowed eyebrows were smoothed and his face was one of disbelief.

"W-Why'd you do that?" He stuttered and took multiple steps away from me. It took me a second to realize what he was referring to. "I thought you were gonna hurt me again, sorry," I mumbled softly. Kayden looked so hurt and vulnerable. It's crazy how he can change emotions so quickly.

"Don't apologize. I'll never hurt you like that again, Alivia. I p-promise," Kayden promised without hesitation so that made me believe him only for a quick second. But I don't. He hurts like it's a hobby. Permanent scars are on my body because of him. He's exactly like my father.

He's what children would get nightmares about.

"Okay," I pretended.

"Okay," I pretended

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