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Riley called me buttface five times today.

That's all.

Happy reading♡


-A L I V I A L E W I S-


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My body felt sore over the past couple of days filled with training from very skilled and experienced killers. I am given one day to get over myself. Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow is the day when the ambush happens and we get Kieron back. We are getting him back, it isn't a question.

Today I kept myself mostly, I drank a lot of water and did a lot of stretching. Now and then I'll pretend as if I had the bow in my hand just for some imaginary practice. Killian was gone, mom was with her friend, and dad was cooped up in his office like usual.

Now, it was night time and I had just gotten dressed in a hoodie and blue jeans to go to the grocery. I wanted cookies. And we had no chocolate chips. Chocolate chips are compulsory for cookies. So without telling my parents, I left the house and drove to the local supermarket. It was a smaller one that was open twenty four seven. It was a creepy place though. There was a small alley at the side that leads to a bar at the back of the grocery.

I parked at the side and fetched my chocolate chips quickly from the store before attempting to leave until I heard a girl screaming. I grabbed my pocket knife from my back pocket. It was a close thing to me, I'll admit it. It's my first one gifted to me by my grandmother. Honestly, when my father first started getting his three children into the family business, I was excited at first because I wanted to belong.

That quickly dissolved.

My feet took me to the dark alley. The only light was the faint yellow glow from the bar up ahead. Two figures were walking to the bar, the guy had his hand around the familiar figure as they excitedly walked to the bar. For some reason, I still walked ahead. I don't know why, there were no signs of assault or anything, I have no idea where the painful scream came from because the girl looked so happy.

Just when I was about to turn around and leave, something happened. "Shit," I cursed when the pocket knife slipped out of my hand followed by the chocolate chips. They both made a loud noise against the paved damaged road. The two figures froze and whipped around. My body froze, my hands held up in surrender.

That was until they stepped closer and I noticed their feathers more. The girl specifically. Ashley. My best friend from high school, Ashley. "A-Ashley," her name felt so foreign on my tongue. I couldn't believe Ashley stood in front of me right now...it's been long since I've seen her. Ever since I left she erased me from her life. "Alivia," she mumbled back, her eyes studying every part of me.

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