27|Truth be Told

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

-A L I V I A L E W I S-

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"He'll find you."

My body tensed as she slid on the barstool. Fucking great. "No he won't, I bought a bus ticket," I smirked and finished the final sip of the beer. It's only been two days. "No. You stole a wallet and you just got lucky. If I can find you then I'm not surprised if Caylix already has," Grace reveals. I turn to her to see her genuine worried eyes that make me want to punch her even more. "Who the fuck is that?" I laughed. Caylix. Such a weird name.

"Sorry, Kayden. I mix up my...partners sometimes," Grace corrected herself. I rolled my eyes and felt the desire for another drink. Something stronger. So very much stronger. "Alivia, you shouldn't be here," Grace whispered, allowing the care in her voice to show. "Actually I should be far away from Kayden Fray as possible. So yeah, I agree with that," I rambled off.

Grace winced and glances around to notice any wandering ears or eyes. "Don't speak of his name so casually, that name should never be said recklessly," Grace scolded me. I laugh, that's actually funny.

I got off the barstool and turned to the other customers that were drinking their night away. "Kayden fucking Fray needs to suck my dick!" I slurred loudly for everyone around me to hear. The happiness surging through my veins made me believe that I needed more alcohol so it lasts longer. Alcohol can kill you, ruin you. That's a risk I was willing to take.

"Kay is gonna kill me," Grace breathes out to herself. "He thinks you're d-" I begin to correct her when her hand clamps over my mouth. "That's enough for you, pretty girl," she says slowly. Her eyes told me to shut the fuck up and I no my head, silently telling her I'll oblige and she removes her hand.

"Let's get you to my motel room."


"Oh fuck," I cursed and my fingers applied pressure to my throbbing head. My eyes squinted shut tightly, the room was too bright for my liking. I groaned and put my hands out to make sure I didn't make any regrets last night. "Flipping hell," I muttered below my breath. When I turned on my side, the headache only throbbed harder.

"Good morning, Sunshine," the devil himself announces and my eyes snapped to him. The poorly thin curtains did nothing to prevent the sunlight from dripping into the room. It glows his skin so well, I'm reminded of how beautiful Kayden is. I swallow hard while looking at him. He walks forward from the corner of the motel room where he stood. I shoved my body further into the bed. I just stare at him and came to the fact that I might die today.

He found me.

Just as she said.

"You want me, don't you?" He wondered, his fingers wrapped around my ankles and dragged my body closer to him. "You want me to find you, otherwise you would've been long gone," Kayden continued. With one hard push, I pushed him back and stood on my feet. "Get away from me, I'm done with your life," I spat. My eyes were still droopy from the severe hangover I had.

I felt dead.

And Kayden being a lovely surprise only made me more miserable. "You're done when I say you're done," Kayden corrects me, his fingers wrapped around my wrist and I receive flashbacks from when he bruised my wrists similarly. We were too caught up in each other to notice the door open and shut. "Don't touch her, Kayden," Grace warned and my head snaps in her direction.

Kayden drops his hands and turns around to face Graciella. She pulls down the hood of her coat to reveal her face fully. Grace walks forward, Kayden was in a state of shock and I found it funny. "Here you go," Grace directs her attention to me, she pulls out a bottle of Advil from her pocket and throws it to me. Through our interaction, Kayden was still speechless.

"Thank you," I mumbled after swiftly catching the bottle. "W-What the fuck is going on?" Kayden blurted out finally. "Silly, Kay. You think we haven't met before? I've been right under your nose all along," Grace proudly admitted.

"G-Graciella," Kayden whispered and the lump in his throat was hard to swallow. Grace looks over to Kayden and her eyes softened. "I'm sorry, Cayl-" she begins to apologize. That word welcomed a ringing noise in my head. I could barely remember the events from last night. The last thing was Grace meeting me in the bar and telling myself I was going to be late for the bus.

"You're alive...you're alive! And you didn't think about Cas once! About me, your family...aren't you aware of how devastated she was?" Kayden angrily screamed at her. Flashes from waking up next to him after the nightmare hit me and I would bet that those two people are different persons. "I don't have a choice. It was my life or the entire circle's. Keep my sister safe and protect Alivia at all costs...she has all the answers," Grace doesn't hesitate to fight back with her words.

"I'll wait till you realize I'm protecting you. Until then, I have to go. If you hurt her I will find out how bad I can be, remember that," Grace continues. Kayden surprisingly allows her to leave the motel room. We stood there in silence for a couple of minutes until it turned almost painful. I hated not knowing what they were speaking about.

"This is all your fault," Kayden grunted and marched over to angrily lock the door. He turns around and there's only anger written on his face.

"How the fuck do you know her!?" Kayden screamed, his hands were itching to grab me but he doesn't. I trust him enough to believe he wouldn't physically hurt me anymore. "I don't answer to you, asshole," I spat and folded my arms across my chest. Kayden pushed me against the wall, my back ached but I ignored it.

"You're so difficult," Kayden muttered, his fingers running down my neck, shoulders and gently placed my hands back at my sides. Kayden leans in dangerously close, his focus was on his fingers as he touched my skin. "What are you doing?" I whispered, his touch already had such an effect on me.

"I don't know," he mumbles and I can barely think properly. I inhale sharply when his fingertips brushed the skin above where the waistband of the shorts sat. "K-Kayden," I whimpered. His beautiful eyes only darkened, his fingers slipping past the elastic.

"Stop," I grabbed his hand and he looks up at me. Kayden doesn't refuse, and for that I'm thankful. One of his hands tilts back my jaw and the other remained on my waist. Kayden dips his head into the crook of my neck and he touches me differently, instead with his lips.

"Tell me how do you know her, Alivia," Kayden whispered while kissing the soft skin of my neck. My fingers tightened on his shirt. "N-No," I remained firm to my answer minutes ago. Kayden pulls his hand out of the shorts and walks out of the room. My jaw felt loose, I was completely stunned about what just happened.

He attempted to use me.

Sexually. For answers.

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