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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"Come for me," Brandon whispered against my lips before I lost all self-control and was thrown into a pit of bliss

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"Come for me," Brandon whispered against my lips before I lost all self-control and was thrown into a pit of bliss. Through my orgasm, he continued to pump his fingers in and out of me, making my walls shudder since I was so sensitive. The sound of my ringtone brought me back to reality. I ignored it and wrapped my hand around his neck in order to bring his lips to mine. "Are you ready?" Brandon whispered against my lips.

He was a sweet boy, he truly was. Throughout the first year of college, we went on a few dates but the chemistry and sparks weren't there. I convinced myself that they were only in fairytale books and decided to try other things with Brandon. But here we are, in an attempt to lose both of our virginities.

We said fuck it and decided to lose it to each other. He was a good guy and I don't think I would regret it anyway. I nodded my head and was about to say it out loud when I phone rang for the third time. "You should answer that," he answered even though it made him frowned. The phone was being a cockblock and I simply agreed that I would just check the caller ID and turn it off.

"Okay," I agreed. Brandon flopped down beside me and I wrapped the sheet over my bare body before grabbing my phone.

It's an emergency. We need you home.

The phone nearly slipped out of my hands as I read the message over and over. I haven't heard from my mother in a year and a half. In fact, any of my family members.

I was brought up into the gang and was forced to learn the ropes. It was always "Alivia, fight back! Alivia you're not strong enough! Alivia you missed practice, Alivia you're getting yourself killed!"

It was safe to say I didn't have a normal life at home. I was forced to be one of the best since I was my father's daughter and he just happened to be one of the most known gang leaders in the USA.

The only thing I was proud of was that I got pretty handy with a bow and arrow. I was really passionate about it. I loved the feeling every time I let go of an arrow. It was my secret talent that I abandoned but I'll always never miss the target. However, when I got to New York I promised myself I wasn't going back to that place. That meant leaving my abilities behind.

I haven't spoken to my parents since I left them at the airport. And neither for my brothers Kilan and Kieron. They wanted to be part of his gang, I simply wanted nothing to do with it.

I was a completely different from my entire family and everyone in the gang. I saw myself as more, selling drugs wasn't the only option I had to become someone in life.

It was safe to say I hated gangs and wanted nothing to do with them. After some months, my family stopped contacting me. So when they chose eighteen months later to message, I know something was wrong.

I dropped the sheet and quickly scavenged around his small apartment bedroom for my clothes. "What are you doing, Liv?" Brandon asked, pulling on his own boxers. He already knew something was up. "I have to do something. I'll call you later, I'm so sorry," I blurted out and cheered in triumph when I had all articles of my clothes back on my body.

"I'll call you," I repeated and pressed my lips to his cheek before running out of his apartment. What so terrible happened that it left my mother no choice but to message me. She did try calling twice but I had no idea what to call back and say.

We need you home.

She never asked me to come home, ever. She was the one that told me to leave in the first place. She and Kilan were the ones who understood that the mafia wasn't for me.

My father and Kieron were too devoted to the gang and anything otherwise was wrong. I thanked God that I came with my own car to his apartment instead of him usually picking me up and carrying me places.

I sat in my car, driving towards campus with my heart racing and my head a slump of thoughts. I couldn't think straight on one single thought.

I mentally screamed screw it and pulled over onto the side of the road. I grabbed my phone from where I had thrown it onto the other seat and searched through until I found my mother's number.

"What happened?" I bluntly asked into the phone after she answered. She sighed on the other end and my stomach churned.

"Silver Arrow kidnapped Kieron."


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