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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"Thank you," Caylix randomly says

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"Thank you," Caylix randomly says. We were currently laying on a hotel bed in Paris while we watched Netflix. Caylix's head rested on my chest allowing me to play with his hair which I know he loves. I didn't mind either. "For what?" I wondered.

"Giving me a second chance after everything. I wish I didn't hurt you so many times. I didn't deserve to be forgiven so many times," he explained, tilting his head up so I could see his gorgeous eyes. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

He apologizes too much.

"I forgave you easily because you deserved to be. I got over it, Caylix and you should too. You were the one that helped me after dad committed suicide, remember?" I recalled. When we got back from Russia, Killian took over dad's gang and ended it without my father's knowledge. It was too much for him, he cared about his gang more than his actual family.

Red Shadows were off the grid since Russia and to be honest, we have no idea what Kayden plans to do. Cole and Kieron were in the hospital for a week before they were discharged. I helped them get better in New York until Caylix persuaded me into taking a break.

"Yeah but-"

"No, you don't have to keep feeling like we shouldn't be here together. We both went through shit in our lives and we deserve happiness, Cay. I want happiness with you," I say without hesitation and kissed his forehead. We were on our first date that apparently lasts days long. Caylix and I flew out to Paris on a private jet down to a pier. That's where we got onto a boat and had an amazing dinner with an entire boat to ourselves for two days.

I really enjoyed being surrounded by the ocean all to myself. And Caylix, of course. When we came back we went to the Eiffel Tower for a bit and then we bought Chinese and came back to this hotel. Because of Caylix I got stronger and found out new things about myself. I love who I am, and if I wasn't kidnapped by the circle then I wouldn't have discovered myself.

"I was thinking for our second date I could take you to Italy, there is this gorgeous museum that I think you'll love and we can have dinner in an amazing restaurant I'm familiar with," Caylix broke the silence once again, flipping us over in the process.
So now his shirtless body was looking over me as my back was pressed to the bed.

"I thought you said our first date isn't even over yet?" I questioned causing him to roll his eyes. "Yeah but...I just wanna spend all the time in the world with you," he grinned before leaning down and connected his lips with mine. Every time we kissed it was like the first time. Damn him for making this feeling so good. My hand raked through his head and wrapped my legs around his waist to pull his front to press on mine.

"Fuck," I moaned at the sensitive contact even though we were mostly clothed. I wasn't expecting that to feel so good and now it has me thinking dirty. His lips are just made for mine, without a doubt. I've kissed a few people and none felt like this. Like it was perfect and made for mine. Not even a couple of seconds in, I part my lips and his tongue comes darting in.

I pushed his chest, not breaking the kiss as I move over to straddle his waist as he sat on the bed, his head pressed against the headboard. My finger tugs the hair on the nape of his neck as his hands roamed under my shirt, igniting heated sparks wherever his hands went. As his hands found my laced bra, his mouth left mine and trailed down my neck to the area above my collarbone.

"Caylix," I moaned as his hands slide down my body and gripped my hips, my back arching in the process. Seconds later my head was laying on the pillow, once again, Caylix hovering over me. I tugged his hair, causing him to let out a low groan against the skin of my neck. Lust clouded my eyes and I just craved to be more intimate with Caylix. My fingers dug into the back of his neck, pulling him down to me to deepen the kiss.

I almost gasp as he rubbed our centers. I know it was accidental but fuck, it did bad things to me. "I wanna take things slow with you," Caylix whispers against my cheek before gently kissing it before pulling away. I groaned and tugged him back to me, relieved to feel his body on mine. "No, I want you," I moaned and opened my eyes, staring at his bright ones.

"We need to go slow, you're special, Liv and I already fucked up millions of times," Caylix whispered and caressed my cheek. "I'm sure we're going to have sex eventually, now it's sooner than later. Stop beating yourself over what happened," I pleaded. I reached up and kissed his soft and smooth lips. I cherish the feeling of his lips molding with mine before pulling away.

"If you hurt me like that again, I will kill you myself," I deadly told him. I don't think I can ever hurt Caylix but the warning was delivered. "Never again, I promise," Caylix whispers and claims my lips again, finally taking control and all my worry washes away.

"I really needed you to say that," Caylix whispered against my lips. He pulled away for a brief moment to pull off his shirt. I could not stop staring at his body, how defined his muscles looked, how sexier the tattoos made him be. I raked my nails down his chest and allowed Caylix to kiss me once again. This time it was softer and slower than the last. No complaints.

I lift off the bed, breaking the kiss in the process to peel off my top. Before I could fall back on the bed, his hands found the clasp of my bra while attacking my neck with his talented mouth."What happened to go slow?" I taunted. "Oh, this is going to be anything but slow," Caylix smirked.

Only in a matter of minutes, all clothes were lost somewhere inside this temporary bedroom and we were fully naked in front of each other. "Are you ready?" His eyes trained on me while I nodded and let out a breathless," yes." I clenched the bedsheets as he pushed his entire length into me all at once but slowly. My back arching at the torturing feeling.

His lips crashed down on mine again and the hunger grew inside me. Thankfully, it was quenched behind Caylix's thrusts. Caylix folded my legs to my chest, changing the angle and I became a moaning mess, losing control of my body. "You and I forever alright," he whispers against my lips like music to my ears. I felt fuzzy, complimented by the way he pleasured me.

"You and I forever."


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Yes, the story is finished and I'm aware I could've continued more into their relationship but I figured this was a better place to end it at. What I imagined is that they're traveling the world together after this working on themselves, learning more about each other that makes them fall more in love every day. They had a rough start but it's the journey is what matters, right?

Thank you so much for reading HQOA. Hope you didn't regret it. Thank you for the love and support I had while writing the story over, you know who you are♡ I guess that's it, if you have questions please feel free to ask and I will respond. Until then, this is goodbye👋❤

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