23|Chains for Torture

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-A L I V I A  L E W I S-

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"I don't use fucking guns, Kayden!" I screamed and dropped the pink gun they gave me to help with persuasion. Cole disappeared, Landon returned Kieron at home and everyone pretended as if it didn't happen. Excepting Kayden, he's bothered by it which is why he was on edge today.

"Well guess what princess, no one gets to play with arrows but me. You broke rules and you paid for them, if you want to pay for them again then go ahead," Kayden whispered, his words taunting me, daring me to accept the welcoming silver bow in his hand.

I look at it, remembering how powerful I felt in the forest, or even at the abandoning buildings while Lily would spray paint the walls. I miss it, but Kayden still scares me and his words prove that I'll regret it. So I grabbed the gun and shot the mannequin repeatedly. Kayden walks away with a victory smirk on his face and for the rest of the evening, I pretended Kayden's face was on the mannequin instead.


It was way past the time I should be up. My mind kept nudging me to descend the basement staircase where they had that private room. I've been there before. It's flooded with weapons, some I've never seen or thought existed. They sparked my interest and the offer was so tempting because Kayden was asleep and so was everyone else.

I slipped my body into a silky rose gold robe and a pair of fluffy slippers before quietly making my way to the basement. It was a relief that their basement wasn't the creepy ones that scare you in the movies. There was a padlock outside the door and the first number that pops in my head was the number tattooed on Kayden's chest and written on his new bottle of medication.


Just a code number to this address he told me though that makes no sense because they don't have deliveries at this house. I punch in the letters and let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding onto when the light turns green and the door cracked open. I looked both ways before running inside and carefully descending the staircase.

The lights were off and you could practically hear if a pin dropped. The lights flicker on and my eyes are welcomed by the showcase of Kayden's variety of bows and arrows. My eyes run wild in front of the fancy glass, the different colors, types of arrowheads, each sharper than the last. Eagerly, I grabbed the most liking one, feeling how relieving and perfect the bow fits in my hands.

"Lucky son of a bitch," I muttered, referring to Kayden, before launching my arrow at the target and I eyeball that it's the direct center of the red circle. Victory seeps into my bones and I don't hold back, trying out all of them he had to offer. It felt amazing, I felt carefree and high.

The right thing.

It always felt like I'm supposed to be here, that I'm doing the right thing. But I can't have that anymore. Kayden takes that away from me and away from anyone else who wants the same power. I felt his breath on my exposed shoulder and his hand slid around my waist. I sucked in an amount of air and the grip in my hands loosened. Kayden pulls me into his chest, his thumb finger rubbing the exposed part of my pajama top. It was short, I hate sleeping in long clothes.

"Oh, Alivia," Kayden whispered, his voice making me shudder. "Are you suicidal? Do you have a fetish for pain?" He wondered, his other hand running down my shoulder, the robe pushing off my body easily at the tips of his fingers. "I-I couldn't sleep," I mumbled.

"You like it don't you?" He wondered, his other hand removes its touch to push the final hanging piece off my other shoulder and the cold air hits my bare shoulders. The straps were thinner than any other sleeves I had. "When I hurt you," I hear the smirk in his voice as his fingers brushed my hips as he turns me around.

"No," I harshly say.

"Then explain to me darling, why do you keep doing things that you have to be punished for?" He demanded, maintaining the voice that scares me because of how calm and collected he was. "Because you're keeping me away from the things I want and need. My family, my life in new york, simply a hobby that..." My words were cut off by him slipping his hand under my chin. Kayden presses his finger up, forcing my eyes to be on his.

"You miss Lily? And Brandon, oh Brandon. Hmm, what about Jane, the lady you and Lily have breakfast with every Sunday," Kayden smirks, revealing knowledge I didn't know he had. He said it so easily as if it was something he knew for decades.

"Your life was boring and you have to realize that at some point. Stop living in the past and realize that we aren't so bad," Kayden snapped, his voice harsher than the dangerously soothing one previously. "What's your point h-" my words were cut when I heard the painful groan. My head snapped to the locked door with a different padlock. "Shit," Kayden groans and drops all contact with my body.

"Go back to your room, please," Kayden ordered and snatched the bow from my hands. I grabbed the robe and covered my body with it. "What? No. What's behind there? Correction, Who is behind there?" I questioned and folded my arms across my chest to assist my failing strong act.

"No one important, go!" He huffed and throws his hand in the air to point at the stairs. "You son of a bitch! Unchain me!" Cole shouted in rage and I bolted to the door, imputing his code before he can stop me. I gasped at the sight of Cole's hands tied up with chains that hung from the ceiling.

"Holy shit," I gasped and attempted to find a way to unchain him. "Alivia! Help me," Cole pleaded and tugged his hands from the chain again, making blood run down his arms. "What the fuck are you doing?" I bluntly asked Kayden in disbelief. Cole is his best friend, they have a strong connection and everyone knows it. They're a terrible combination but the best for us.

Why would he do this?

"He's a traitor, Alivia. Sleeping with the enemy, God alone knows what he told that brother of yours," Kayden glares at Cole. This is where he has disappeared to. Now that I had the whole truth everything made sense. Kieron and Cole's relationship started when he got kidnapped. Kieron described these forbidden emotions he had that scare me because when I get caught up in some moments with Kayden, I feel them too.

"Take him down," I stated and Kayden looks at me as if I'm crazy. "What?" He laughed. "You don't call the shots, princess," Kayden grins wickedly. My eyebrows raise and it was my turn for the power. "Yes, I fucking do because I'm an asset and you'll do anything that keeps me here. Cole is the most loyal to you, if he wanted to really betray your ass he would've gone a much better way about it than sleeping with my brother," I stated only the truth.

"Unchain him," I repeated. Kayden was caught up in his head by what I just said, nevertheless, he walks over to a machine that drops the chains. Kayden grabs a key and unlocked his hands. Cole dropped to his knees and glares bullets at Kayden.

"I'm sorry..." Kayden whispered. Cole nods his head and stands to his feet again. "I'm just trying to be him," Kayden mumbles as Cole pulls him into a tight hug.

Who is him?

Who is him?

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