26|In the Dark

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I love this chapter so much;)

I love this chapter so much;)

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"What the fuck, Kayden!?" I screamed at him. No matter how fast I stormed to him, I couldn't keep up with his large strides. Kayden was unphased by my shouts, in fact, he welcomed it and that made me even more annoyed. "I'm speaking to you, asshole! You can't just pull me out of the cafe like that! My coffee wasn't done and I was doing your bloody dirty work," I continued, my voice gradually gets louder.

"Going on a fucking date isn't what I asked you for! Don't fucking shout at me because you'll fucking regret it, Alivia. Go ahead, keep pushing my buttons and see where that takes you," Kayden dared, the look in his eyes told me that he was beyond pissed. The fact that Kayden doesn't scare me, scares me.

"He's a sweet guy! You took him away from, Ashley in case you didn't know that," I pointed out. Kayden rolls his eyes and continues to walk, I follow behind like a puppy. "Ashley left him to protect him and she doesn't regret it. She's happy fucking Landon," Kayden finally responded. My eyebrows furrowed at the new information.

We walked for three minutes in silence. Kayden shows me to the apartment and I had so many questions about how he got such a pretty place since usually, they're under a lease or something. My feet were rooted to the ground as I watched him move around. My eyes caught a glimpse of a gun in the cabinet when he opens it for a second.

Kayden turns, his eyes study me to acknowledge I wasn't over what happened. Kayden threw lies at Jerrald that made him believe he's wrong for taking me to the cafe and practically dragged me out of the place. I felt terrible. Jerrald didn't deserve that. "That idiot isn't worth your time, Alivia. He's just some low life. Let's go," Kayden sighed in the exhaustion of my behavior.

"And you are?" I spat, my hands crossed on my chest and I wore a challenging look. "Yes! Yes, I am because I'm an asshole but yet I do and I will treat you better than he could!" Kayden proudly says. That got me silent. He makes me so speechless and I hate it.

"Alright. Now stay here until I come get you," Kayden decided. My eyebrows furrowed. "What?" I blurted out. "You can't keep me in here, what the fuck, Kayden? Why can't you understand that I was doing it for you, to get information from you? You're acting jealous or some shit," I rambled off, uncaping the bottled feelings from today.

Kayden steps dangerously closer to me. His tongue runs over his bottom lip, my eyes were glued to the movement. "Don't you get it by now? That shit with finding information was a lie! And everyone knew but you. Travis is already dead," Kayden's low voice made me shiver. "What..." I gasped, finding it difficult to absorb the new information.

"What are you talking about, Kayden? You can't just play me like that!" I screamed, my fingers tugging at my hair over how angry and frustrated Kayden made me. Kayden steps closer, his fists loaded at his sides. "I am protecting you! Just stay here, please. Be a good girl and just stay here. There are pizza and rum, knock yourself out," He tells me, his voice not matching mine like expected. Kayden turns and storms out of the room, leaving me there in a mess.

Anger flooded through my veins.

They're just using me. Can't they tell that I'm human too? I sighed and grabbed one of many water bottles from the bedside table. While chugging the cold refreshing water down, my eyes landed on a brown envelope that was poorly hidden under the pillow.

I instantly put the bottle down. Driven by my desire for answers, I grabbed the folder and I was definitely not prepared for what I was about to see.


Nearly ten pictures of a familiar girl walking around the same campus I was previously in. My eyebrows furrowed and I continued to scan the pictures. In most of them, Grace wore hoodies and sunglasses, in others she wore beautiful clothes and didn't try to hide herself. My eyes lingered on one where she was smiling while talking to Travis. Kayden knows Grace. She isn't aware of these pictures, it's obvious and they are clearly taken from discrete places.

My body tensed when the door open and shut again. I could feel him staring at me. "Why don't you ever listen to me?" Kayden sighed and I could practically hear the disappointment in his tone. I turn around to face the man with secrets. His eyes were on the pictures in my hand that I refused to let go of. "What is this, Kayden? Who is this..." I asked.

Kayden looks into my eyes, and I plead with him to don't be difficult. How can I trust him when he keeps all these secrets? Kayden keeps proving that my surfacing feelings for him would be brutal. "Graciella Thomas. She was part of the circle and then she died. Clearly, she's still alive," Kayden revealed.

The girl I keep running into is Cassy's sister.


My head hurts from all these questions and accusations. I nod my head and decided not to reveal that I knew her. "How do you know that she wants to be found?" I asked. Kayden got angrier and it showed but I didn't regret saying it. "It doesn't fucking matter to you. I told you enough," Kayden angrily spat, taking me by surprise. My mouth shut and I looked away and returned the pictures on the table. "I don't want to be around you right now," I whispered and walked to the bed.

"Alivia, I'm sorry," Kayden blurts out and attempts to grab me. I winced before he could and he pulls back his arms. "She gave me so much baggage, she...I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'll give you your space," Kayden decided and he lingers near me for a minute longer, possibly waiting for a response. Once he accepted he won't get one, Kayden walks out of the apartment again and I finally break down.

What do they want from me? None of this makes sense and something tells me that Grace knows who I am. I was perfectly fine before returning home. Why didn't I block my mother's number? All of this would've been so much better. I made up my mind at the moment. Fuck Kayden. I'm done.

I opened the top cabinet drawer to surface the gun. The black object was heavy in my hand and I frowned. Guns are so ugly. I sigh and shoved it into the band of my jeans before fixing my shirt over it in the mirror so it wasn't visible. After unlocking the door, I finally took my one chance to escape from Kayden Fray.

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