20|Make that 10

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Chapter twenty already! That's crazy. Thank you for the votes, comments, and reads♡ It makes me happy that you guys are enjoying the story so far. This chapter fits so perfectly for a celebration of the 20th chapter;) Enjoy!♡

 This chapter fits so perfectly for a celebration of the 20th chapter;) Enjoy!♡

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

"Shit, I forgot my coat," I cursed the second I was about to enter the limousine. I was supposed to wear a coat over my outfit, no way I was remaining like this all the time. This dress exposed a lot and I planned on bringing a coat to wear temporarily.

The house was already locked and two scary men were standing outside with long guns in their hands. I'll never know the types of guns. "Damn it, Alivia," Kayden sighed and pushed the jacket of his suit off his shoulders and slid it on mine.

"What," I gasped and kept my shocked eyes on Kayden. "Don't talk please," he mumbled and slides into the limousine. I finally sobered myself and got into the vehicle, me being the last one in. It's very surprising when Kayden is being nice. He's been that way recently but it's hard to accept. "Champagne anyone?" Jace asked with a smirk on his face as he pours himself a bottle of champagne.

The drive to Bottom's Up was much more entertaining with Cassy arguing with Kayden that he should add more poles on the stage for when the girls in the crowd would go up and dance. What was funnier was Ashley mocking them, trying her best to be discrete which made Cole and I's belly hurt from laughing so hard.

When we got out of the limo, all fun and games were done. I felt like a kid standing between these powerful and dangerous people. The Circle. Kayden and I walk ahead, the security guards only glanced at them before opening the doors. Power. They had so much power. I felt so nervous walking into the dark place. There was a sea of dancing people that looked difficult to pass through. They all had things in common as I studied them. A glass of beer in their hand, moving their bodies without care.

"There he is," Kayden whispered, grabbing my attention and he drops his hand from where his palm was pressed on my back. Kayden nods to the dark area with an intimidating stare. I look over to see the man from the pictures, Hansen Beckham. Also known as, my target. "Separate," Kayden muttered below his breath and I don't hesitate to walk away and as I do, Kayden grabs the jacket, making me walk out of it to reveal my dress completely. I wore a proud smile and making my way towards the bar like planned.

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