29|Secrets Discovery

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-K A Y D E N F R A Y-

My eyes remained on the ones that wouldn't dare to look away

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My eyes remained on the ones that wouldn't dare to look away. She knew I was looking at her. I look away and finished my glass of Sprite only to realize she's still looking at me. She always desired my attention. "Give me a sec," I whispered to Alivia. The little hands grabbed my jacket and I turn around to see the pout on her drunk face. "I'll only be a minute," I tell her though that's probably not true.

"Dance with me after," Alivia compromised. I smile at her and nod my head. She's a lightweight. She got tipsy after her second shot and hasn't stopped since then. Knowing that she'll probably need my help and the fact that I need her to be safe, I stayed away from the alcohol. She's been trying to get me to dance with her but I don't dance.

"Great," she giggles and drops her hand. Once Graciella notice that I'm walking towards her, she turns around and makes a quick walk to the exit. I follow her until she was in the abandoned parking lot. "I said fucking stop! Damn it!" I finally snapped. Her body froze after my many protests to stop her.

"Come," she whispers without turning around and I follow her to the black car. Her eyes were on mine as she opened the passenger seat to retrieve a file. "Cassy was trying to get her hands on this last night at the bar. She was with Landon, actually. When I saw what they were after, I realized why they tried so hard," Graciella tells me and I don't hesitate in grabbing the file from her.

That had to be before Alivia and I returned home. I was about to open the file before Graciella placed her hand over mine. I push her hand away, never wanting her to ever touch me again. "Promise me you'll tell her," she sincerely whispers.

Of course, this is about Alivia.

"What is it?" I asked, the fright in my voice slightly known. "Open it but promise me you'll tell Alivia. She needs to know, you need to tell her," she tells me. I guess that explains why she gave it to me and not her, Grace wants me to tell her.

"I promise."

I opened the file and it was all calm until I got in the depth of what Cassy was trying to get her hands on. "This has to be a lie," I bluntly said. There's absolutely no way that Landon is Alivia's brother. Well sort of, they share the same mother. "No, Killian told Landon himself. He did the research and found out too much. I'm not sure how Marakai got his hands on it," Grace confirmed. "Though, he definitely knew about the second thing. Landon doesn't," I hear her say softly with a sigh following.

I gripped the folder tighter at the mention of her boss and the Red Shadow's enemy. Landon's father was written to be his actual father, Eliot Cerby. If Landon knew this from before and said nothing, that explained why he was more possessive with her than expected. "The mother cheated between her first and second child with Ron," I say out loud.

"Makes sense," I mumbled. "Marakai has a daughter, and he put her up for adoption," Grace says. As she said those words, my eyes ran over the second paper. No fucking way, this has to be false. I refuse to accept this. I'm dreaming, I have to be.

"No," I bluntly said, my eyes watering in the process. No, she cannot be his daughter. That goes against everything. "She's his daughter?" I gasped, my heart throbbing after saying it out loud. Ron is a son of a bitch but I rather he be Alivia's father, not Marakai.

"I'm sorry, Caylix," Graciella whispers, and my eyes snapped to hers. My eyes snapped to hers. How dare she call me that? I shut the folder and held it tightly. "Fuck you and get the fuck away from me," I spat before storming off, my destination was Alivia. "A thank you would've been nice!" Graciella shouts. She's right.

She did this without attempting to kill me or showed any signs of dishonesty. Of course, I'm too stubborn to believe it's fully true. I'll need to investigate it myself and have my people make sure it isn't false. However, surprisingly, I'm not that stubborn not to say thank you.

"Thanks, but I meant what I said," I turn around and say, more rude than intended. When I get back into the club, I don't hesitate to push through anyone without care. "Where is she?" I asked Landon as he sipped the margarita. That fucking asshole. Everyone is keeping secrets. "Good to see you're keeping watch of your sister," I spat.

Little does he know, they're not actually related. Landon's body stiffened. I don't stick around to see what he has to say, I found Alivia grinding her innocent body on some useless fuck. "Kayden!" She cheers and threw her hands over my shoulder. I hug her body to my side. "Hey, bro! She's already taken!" The man she was with protested and attempts to take her back.

As if she was an object.

It's not my place to think that.

"Yeah, by me," I spat. Alivia snuggles into my neck, her hands wrapping around my torso. She's already fucking up my anger. I turn around and walk away with her, she doesn't protest even for a second. "Hey bro! She's coming home with me," the man grunted his grip on my hand tightly. I sighed and used my free hand to deliver a very powerful punch, all the remaining anger in my body went into his face.

People gasp and stare at us. I notice Cassy looking from the bar with a smirk on her face. I don't care. I get my girl out of the club and drive us home. She sips on a water bottle and complains about how much her head hurts and how much she hates lime with drinks. If one thing I'm certain, until I get my brother back, Alivia can never know Marakai. The truth will shatter her, I'm sure of it. She's too delicate for this world even though at times I think she can handle it.

I guess that promise was a lie after all.


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