19|Devil Deals

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-A L I V I A L E W I S-

At nine o clock, I step into the bathroom

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At nine o clock, I step into the bathroom. Kayden was already waiting for me with his toothbrush in his hand. No words were exchanged as we brushed our teeth, our eyes were staring back at our figures in the mirror and the awkward silence was covered by the brush against our teeth and by the running water of the sink.

Once we were done, I grabbed the orange bottle and Kayden filled the paper cup with water. "This is getting annoying, I don't like swallowing pills," Kayden huffed and took the purple tablets from my hand anyway. "You've taken them for seven days so far, you're over exaggerating," I replied. Kayden glares at me before taking most of the water in his mouth followed by the pills so he wouldn't taste it on his tongue. Kayden tilts his head back and drank down the water.

My eyes were on his neck as he swallowed. My lips parted and my stomach churned at the sight. What is wrong with me? "Done," Kayden smirks and I smile at him before he turns around and leaves, allowing me to shower first. Kayden says the only way he would take his medication is if I gave it to him to remind him of why he's taking them consistently.

It hasn't been a bad week. Cole and Landon have been showing me more tricks in the boxing ring, Ashley gave me some witchcraft thing to make the bruises fade away faster. As I said, it's witchcraft because it works. It isn't completely gone but it's still there if you look at my neck longer than two seconds.

After showering and getting dressed, I made my way to the kitchen where Jace was placing food on the plates. "Morning, Sunshine," Jace smiled and slid a plate of his chocolate chip pancakes my way. "You have to stop calling her that! It's so cliche and makes you sound like a cowboy or some shit," Landon groaned and threw an apple slice at Jace.

"What?! It was literal sunshine when she started smiling after-" Jace defended until the door opens and Kayden walks in. Kayden ignores the silence and grabbed a fork before he stabbed one of my pancakes and kidnapped it from my plate. "Hey!" I scolded and Kayden blankly stared at me.

"You eat three pancakes, not four, I thought he'd pick up on that by now," he whispered before taking a bite. My face fell at that realization that I didn't realize anyone would pick up on. That's weird. Right? "Anyway, we have another mission," Kayden changes the subject, his eyes no longer on me though.

"Yes!" Cassy cheered.

"Mister Beckham is running around telling everyone he's the owner of Bottom's Up. After doing more research on the idiot I realized that he's been buying drugs and alcohol with fake cash," Kayden stated. "How is that possible? Dealers aren't that stupid," Ashley questioned firstly.

Everyone nodded and this actually gets me interested in the conversation. "He uses this type of machine thing. It's complicated but the only way to really know if it's fake or not is to test it in the lab and it is indeed fake, Ronnie tested it. The man is smart but not smart enough," Kayden smirked, proud at the shocked reactions from the circle.

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